Pioneer Pass 101.

Pioneers are the content curators who’ll shape the future of censorship-resistant content.

2 min readOct 16, 2021


The HOAG Pioneer Pass is out now. That means if you’re an audience member who entered the giveaway, you’ve leveled up on HOAG Play.

The Pioneer user empowers creators through HOAG Play, creating a bridge between creators and consumers as curators.

As this community-based approach becomes mainstream, creators will rely on Pioneers to act as beta-testers of the content they create.

So to sum it up, HOAG Play is a Decentralized Autonomous Media Network (DAMN) with three levels of access for the community.
90–9–1 Internet Rule.

The Audience.

At the very bottom, they act as the primary consumer of the content produced on HOAG Play. Audience members are the largest part of every community consisting of 90% of the members.

The next level is the Pioneers.

As a Pioneer, you get full access to the backstage of HOAG Play. Pioneers are curators who provide direct feedback and advice to content creators.

They are the secret recipe that’ll cook up masterpiece content like, for example, “This is f* advice”. The first native content on HOAG Play covering the latest trends in crypto on an acid-humor-toned pitch.

The main host, Munk NFT.

To become a Pioneer, you have to own a Pioneer Pass.
It is a set of 1000 Solana Non-Fungible-Tokens (NFT) distributed for free to our early, really early users.

Yet, it is tradeable so if you have missed the giveaway, you can get in by buying from another Pioneer. With it, you get full access to the action of this huge content production system.

Curators are rewarded for their guidance and advice. As any other content hub work is retributed.

At last, comes the creators.

The lifeblood of our platform.

There is no entry barrier on HOAG Play to become a creator. However, only the content vetted by the Pioneers will get published to maintain the balance between quality and quantity. Content created for HOAG Play is also rewarded.

HOAG Network, the team behind HOAG Play, builds innovative and experimental tools for creators to focus on creativity. By removing the middle man from the equation money goes directly into creators and fuel the creative process.

It’s time to charge forward. So as Pioneers, we are handing you the baton to run the show your way.

Let’s create some amazing stuff!


Pioneer PASS NFT Marketplace




Take control over your content and stream it yourself.