We Won the Solana Season Hackathon

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3 min readJul 7, 2021

Solana Hackathon results were out last month and Hoag won the first spot in the Media Network sponsored category. As much as we’re proud to share this news with you, what lies ahead of us is a great responsibility.

We at Hoag always strive to create the most secure environment for our users to share their own uncensored and unmonitored message with the world. With Media keeping their faith in us and building on Solana’s support, we’re looking at a future that could really make a difference. We’re looking forward to the future of streaming and being on the frontline of the race makes us responsible for delivering it to the users.

The Solana Hackathon that transformed our concept into a reality has been helping thousands of decentralized blockchain-powered startups across the globe. Solana Seasons welcomed more than 13000 participants and 350+ projects. Out of this huge amount, 39 projects were selected for a prize.

Besides being promoted and acknowledged by Solana, several active projects under the blockchain came through to support the effort. The hackathon projects mainly focused on DeFi, Web3, and NFTs. Projects like Serum, Orca, Raydium supported the participants in their respective fields.

DeFi Winners

Some of the most notable participants in DeFi category were Solend, Defiland, and Switchboard. Each of them proposing a solution to problems of everyday finance with decentralized finance technology. For instance, Solend focuses on lending and borrowing protocol, Switchboard focuses on community curated Oracle protocol.

NFT Winners

The NFT winners presented some solid ideas to expand the market and open up to average folks with Fractionalization-abled systems from Coral Reef. All-Art protocol came second with their new concept of liquidity.

Web3 Winners

Finally, the Web3 winners too did a hell of a job with their brand new concepts around decentralized instant messengers like Solarium. Grape, the second place holder, created a token-gated Discord community.

Project Sponsors

While these were the prizes distributed directly from Solana, projects like Serum, Media, and Orca selected their own winners in the Hackathon. These projects actively worked with the participants in their respective fields and helped out with all the resources available to get the best results from each of them.

As you already know, our idea of a peer-to-peer censorship-resistant twitch was taken with a grand gesture by the Media Network, and finally, with a few weeks of work, Hoag managed to get the system going. Also to prove our efficiency and compatibility Hoag streamed a few Euro 2020 matches where thousands of people streamed together without any issues.

Similarly, Raydium selected Laguna finance as their winner, Pyth went with Solfarm, and many other projects chose the best from other categories.

The Solana Season was hugely promoted regionally across the globe by established entities of the decentralized ecosystem. East Asia, India, Eastern Europe, Africa, Vietnam, and Brazil, all these places extended their help and support both logistically and financially to make the fresh ideas sprout and flourish on blockchain.

For what it’s worth, Solana has done a fantastic job ensuring the future generation of blockchain with such initiatives. As words like Freedom of Speech and Expression are slowly becoming obsolete and privacy and personal space slowly becoming fragile, a thriving decentralized ecosystem can make all the difference.




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