Why did We build HOAG on Media?

Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2021
HOAG powered by Media.

In our previous article, we discussed the benefits of using a decentralized content delivery network.

Centralized systems can make your system slow, vulnerable to attacks, and very costly.

Sadly, multiple blockchain-powered platforms are using centralized CDNs which puts them at the receiving end of such risks. And ironically the sheer essence of decentralization gets lost in translation.

Before we jump to the primary point of our discussion, let’s have a quick recap of why CDNs are so crucial for us or literally anyone having internet real estate.

Long ago in the ’80s and ’90s, to access information on the web we had to request directly to a server. The problem of having to reach out to a server is that there is an amount of physical distance that the request had to travel.

Also, these servers weren’t competent enough to cater to multiple requests at once, resulting in unnecessary delays and often crashes.

Enter content delivery network or CDN.

In simple words, CDNs duplicated the presence of the physical server and delivered real-time segmented pieces all over the world. That way the latency issue was solved and things became way faster.

But CDNs are not without issues.

The Problems of Centralized Content Delivery Networks [CDN]

Companies like Google, Amazon, and Cloudflare dominate the CDN market. And as anyone can assume, these tech giants make sure of making the most profit out of it even at the expense of the end-user.

Privacy Problems

In today’s world, freedom of speech is becoming a luxury.

Even on the internet, sharing one’s own thoughts and works can result in unexpected repercussions due to all kinds of KYCs that are required by platforms.

Centralized CDNs prioritize the information of the user or host more than the content itself. All this collected information becomes the property of the company which they are at liberty to sell. So in short, thanks to CDNs internet is becoming less ‘for the people.


Agreeing to the terms and conditions of centralized CDNs results in getting suspended, restricted, or banned for no viable reasons.

Since the centralized companies don’t harbor democratic policies, even harmless important content gets thrown out.

Data Ownership

Centralized CDNs can decide to deplatform all your information with a kill-switch and within moments you can lose everything.

With third-party companies having such deep-rooted access to information, which they can and do use for their own profit — data ownership seems like a utopian notion.

Why Did We Choose a Decentralized CDN to Host Our Live Streaming Platform?

Hoag uses Media CDN for multiple reasons. Obviously, the primary reason is it’s a blockchain-powered system with extreme capability on all fronts.

But what it really means to have a decentralized content delivery network?

Let’s break it down into a few points.

P2P Powered Distribution System

Media thrives in a strong peer-to-peer network community providing state-of-the-art support to the content creators without even a single point of failure.

The P2P network makes it easier for us to avoid client/server situations and get the job done by transacting and communicating directly.


Since the centralized and decentralized platforms don’t really have a difference when it comes to user experience, we are on the front foot with more equipment and features than our counterparts.

Participants in the media network get rewarded through Media tokens, it also acts as the currency of the ecosystem. Incentivizing people for efficient work results in more people joining the network which in turn makes the ecosystem more resilient.

Threat Protection

Media Network is based on stateless SIP reverse proxies.

This kind of proxies is a safe heaven for server security since there is no direct access to the server.

This means any kind of targeted cyber-attack (like DDoS attacks) on the server saves you from the heat. Reverse proxies are also better secured and built to handle such attacks so you’re safe on both fronts.

System Crash

Simultaneously Media’s Reverse proxies also manage the huge traffic and distribute it evenly. As a result, we can safely presume that our platform will never suffer from a server failure ever.

It is pretty clear that decentralized CDNs are going to be a groundbreaking technology for the blockchain ecosystem.

Media is equipped with features like P2P network, Web3 integration, SIP reverse proxies, and a lot more risk-averse technologies to make you safe from the risks of censorship and information threat.

As Hoag continues the journey on the Solana blockchain, thanks to Media Network our last mile content delivery will be our strongest suit.





Take control over your content and stream it yourself.