Boston Weather Guide: Know the Seasons

Hoamsy Guide
Published in
7 min readNov 16, 2020

What comes to mind when you first think of life in Boston? The bitter cold in the dead of winter? In reality, there’s much more to Boston weather than just the cold season.

Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer, all bring with them their unique opportunities and challenges. You’ll have to prep for each season differently. Perhaps the only constant about the weather in Boston is the unpredictably of it at any given time. Even knowing all of this, we have the secret sauce to adapting to Boston weather, no matter the season. This article should make your move to Boston a breeze! (Get it? :D)

I know we just said it but it really needs repeating: Boston’s weather is unpredictable. Sometimes you will have 70°F (21°C) weather in the winter and sometimes you’ll have snow in the spring. Mornings maybe sunny and warm but the evening may bring torrential freezing rain. The sun may be shining bright but the temperature outside could be freezing. We think you get the idea. Days and weeks can bring widely varied changes. Seasons tend to blend into one another and it’s hard to tell when one season ends. So how then, do you stay deal with it all? Mostly by staying prepared for anything.

To help you adapt to Boston weather, we’ve outlined what to generally expect in each season and some tips on how to deal with them.


Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Fall or autumn in Boston starts in early-mid August and stretches into late September, or November. Sometimes it can even feel like fall into December. The beginning of August will be on the warmer side but temperatures will start to drop suddenly and drastically in a matter of weeks (sometimes days, it’s hard to predict!).

Tips for Handling Fall Weather:

  • Get into the habit of checking the daily weather forecast before you step outside. It can often start warm, but be very cold by the end of the day, or vice versa.
  • Fall essentially means the trees shedding all their leaves so, be ready with a rake to clean up your yard. Have fun with it by jumping into a pile of colorful leaves when you’re done!
  • Even if it isn’t officially winter yet, carry a sweatshirt or a thin coat with you — it may be warm in the when you leave the house but you need to be ready for later. There are many very thin, warm jackets that can easily fit rolled up in a backpack, or a small space in a locker.
  • One of our teammates swears by vests in the fall, these can be a nice mix of warmth, but not over warmth (Plus he says “they look so stylish”).

It’s better to be ready for the cold before it hits you. We recommend you start buying any winter gear you might need by the fall at the latest. Here’s what we recommend in terms of clothes, footwear and accessories.

Apparel and Accessories:

  • Buy two warm winter coats. While brands like Canada Goose are definitely high quality and warm, it’s not necessary to spend thousands on a coat. Looking in the right place, you can find a warm, high quality coat at $100 or under. Stores like Marshalls, T.J.Maxx, Sierra and more are worth checking out. As an added safety tip, getting a brightly colored jacket can be a good idea if you anticipate being outside while its dark out.
  • Buy two or 3 winter caps, scarves and gloves — invest in a pair of gloves with touchscreen capabilities — they’ll help you use your phone without taking them off.
  • If you’re usually very cold — we suggest that you buy thermal clothing for extra layering. Here’s a link with info on thermal clothing: . Stores like Macy’s, Target and L.L. Bean have thermal clothes for the winter or you could order some online from Amazon or Walmart.


Women generally need more than one pair of boots: One for the snow and one for daily wear. Here’s what we recommend:

  • Daily Wear Boots: You’ll need a pair or two of comfortable boots that you can walk in. Ensure that they are waterproof, light and have minimum heels because you’ll need to wear them throughout the winter so the more comfortable, they are to walk in, the better for your feet.
  • Snow boots: Buy one pair of snow boats to protect your feet. If you’re looking for quality affordable snow boots — you’ll find great offers on boots online at sites like Amazon or in stores like Marshalls, T.J.Maxx etc.

Men generally tend to wear sneakers with warm socks even in the winter and only get their boots out for the snow so, here’s our recommendation:

  • Snow boots: Ensure they are waterproof, comfortable and reliable. Brands such as Timberland, UGG, Columbia amongst others are most popular for men. They can be bought in-store or online.

The fall in Boston is a wonderful sight and there are many special activities for you to experience — we’ve got an entertainment blog coming up that tells you all about it!


Photo by Alex on Unsplash

Indoor Heating:

  • There is more to in-house heating than just having heat. Check heating vents for clogging if you have them. If you have a radiator, check where it is, parts of the apartment closer to it will likely be warmer than those farther away. If you have baseboard heating, check to see if its working well, you don’t want to find out you have a heating issue too late. If you want to save on heating costs, you can lower temperatures at night but don’t constantly change the temperature every time you leave the house as this will only increase your bills.
  • Check all doors and windows for drafts of air — this affects in-house temperatures and heat usage. If there are drafts, make sure you insulate these areas to preserve heat indoors. You can find insulating foam strips online for very cheap.

Shoveling Snow:

  • Purchase a snow shovel and broom for shoveling snow off your car and cleaning the driveway. Keep both of these in your car. Check out store like The Home Depot, Lowe’s or
  • Check the weather regularly to be able to allocate time in the morning for shoveling snow.
  • Practice snow shoveling etiquette by cleaning your driveway and don’t park in someone’s else shoveled spot just for the sake of convenience. People take this very, very seriously.
  • Driving in snow is a whole different ball game — tread carefully because snow makes roads very slippery. If you don’t feel it’s safe to drive, don’t.

Snow Accessories:

  • Carry an umbrella with you — you never know when it may rain instead of snow in Massachusetts so it’s better to be prepared.
  • Always have a pair of gloves on you. Even if the weather is too warm for gloves in the morning, it could get cold later so keep a pair of gloves handy. It can be good to keep a hat and gloves in the car.
  • Wear warm woolen socks — your feet can get cold even if you only walk a short distance each day.

The winter months are long but the first sight of snow is mesmerizing and snow days that let you stay home are always a special treat. There’s also a whole bunch of fun winter activities for you to try — more on those in another blog!


Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash

The first signs of life after winter are a welcome relief- the birds chirping, squirrels running up trees and soft rays of the sunshine through the windows. Spring usually shows its head in April with the days lasting longer but we must warn you — sunshine doesn’t equal warmth. April will be bright but chilly with the winds gushing at you. You’ll experience April showers and sometimes, it may even snow in mid-April! So, here’s what you need to do in spring:

  • Always carry a coat and gloves with you despite how sunny it looks outside.
  • Be prepared for rain showers by carrying an umbrella in your bag or your car.
  • Keep a pair of boots and spare socks in your car. You’ll thank us when you suddenly need to walk in pouring rain.


Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

Summertime in Boston typically starts in late May/early June and lasts till August. It can sometimes even be shorter than expected so you’ll see that every day of sunshine is celebrated in Boston. Right from teenagers to families, you’ll see everyone relishing the outdoors. Overall, summer in Boston isn’t as humid as the south but it can still get pretty hot so, here are our tips to have a great summer time:

  • Air conditioning: Yes, you will still need an AC indoors to stay comfortable because some days can get really hot. AC costs can really add to your utility bill so try and get it included in your rent if you can.
  • Sunscreen: Don’t underestimate what a few weeks of sunshine can do to your skin and ensure you use a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to stay protected. Visit the nearest pharmacy for options or order some online.

All-in-all, Boston weather is truly unique and while the winter can sometimes be hard to endure, knowing how to adapt to each season can make living in Boston a pleasure. We hope this blog gave you a clear picture of what the weather in Boston is like!

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Hoamsy Guide

Hoamsy is a platform for unique experiences hosted by local creators like ceramics, paste making, beach yoga and more!