Letter of explanation to our community

We were quiet and wanted to let you know why!

Fauve Altman
2 min readNov 18, 2020


Dear Community,

It has been a while hasn’t it? We are back! First, let us explain the many reasons for our silence over the past year. As many of you know, 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride of a year (which isn’t over yet) and the Blockchain space in itself is an ever changing environment. Therefore, we’ve had to slow down as well to properly recenter ourselves and focus on developing new products that we’ll tell you later if you continue reading ;)

What happened last year 2019/2020

In July 2019, we released the Hoard SKD. What’s that you ask? A software development kit for game developers to integrate blockchain technology into their games.

After that, we worked on releasing The Hoard Overlay. We developed the Overlay to make interaction with the Hoard SDK easier and faster and as a result to make blockchain integration into games a seamless experience.

To this day, transaction costs remain one of the biggest issues in Ethereum and overall crypto. Gas fees plummeted to high skies, which impacted the whole ethereum ecosystem and the development advancements of many startups, us amongst them. We all had to slow down to optimize our costs and actions while the high gas fees were to be diminished.

What we are working on now

We can’t say too too much about it just yet, but we can tell you the collector and gamer in you is going to be quite excited about it. Part of the project we are getting ready to release imminently can be compared to a marketplace, but not your everyday marketplace. A marketplace for gamers and digital goods with a DeFi twist to it. The release date will be announced next month but mark your calendars for early February 2021.

We truly cannot wait to show you what we’ve built and have you interact with it!

Our goals haven’t changed

We still want to offer ownership to gamers of gaming digital goods.

  • Hoard SDK: Software development kit for game developers to integrate blockchain technology into their games.
  • Marketplace Gaming portal: Place for gamers to buy, sell and trade game items.
  • Crowdfunding platform: For game developers to raise money to fund game development.

On this note, we thank you once again for your patience and cannot wait to be interacting with you all again. Hoard is back in business and ready to play and exchange all your NFTs.

Where else can I find information?

🎬 Watch our introductory video

💻 Visit our website

📝 Read our blog

👫 Follow us on Twitter, Telegram and reddit



Fauve Altman

Community Director @ State of the DApps. Community Lead @mStable. Strategic startup development.