The Silent Ripples in A Raging Sea

Tomiwa Onaleye
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2019

A Tale About Choices

An unperturbed calm exists in a raging sea, its rolls of waves in momentary elegance but like the mirror screen of still water, the truth of life can be seen through its thinking eyes. Captivated by the breaking of the surface of still waters, I beheld a truth that is silent ‘choice’. Free will is one of the greatest gift man has, born of the individuality and uniqueness of the mind we were gifted the ability to decide what we want. Choice is to the still water of life, a pebble. As a pebble breaks the surface of still water, ripples extrude reaping a rolling wave. From the point of impact, it keeps expanding affecting everything on its part.

‘Treasure your peace while it exists’, is a statement borne out of our need to attain inner peace. The reason behind this saying stems from many points of view but just one common conclusion,

“Peace doesn’t last forever and life continues to flow like a raging sea.”

Many have postulated various answers and theories to explain what few believe they understand as the secrets behind the unpredictability of life. However, the one constant variable in the theories of life is the increasing significance of choice.

We are the creative force that tames the raging sea in our lives and sometimes the most insignificant decisions can transform one’s life forever because decisions are the fabric of our daily design.

“Some of the world’s greatest feats were accomplished by individuals who made the choice not to believe what seemed completely impossible. “

Filled with stale breath, the responsibility of decision making constantly causes unexpected ripples in the sea of life. An insult from you may cause a ripple on your friend or, the responsibility you didn’t attend to could cost you a promotion. The fact that our decisions cause invisible ripples that affect us all, along our chartered course in the sea of life is an unknown secret to many. Most live on the bases of what should be and what must be that they forget the consequences of doing it and the truth that our freedom is dependent on the choices we make.

“The ripple never flows the same way twice”, an admonition that doing something exactly the same way doesn’t guaranty that the result would be the same. Recollect and try to recall your younger years when you observed the wonder of the world we flow in. Do you remember trying something your parents did or something a friend or elder brother you admired did, now how did it go? Did it give you the exact same outcomes? For me I failed 9/10, we can learn from this because following blindly may lead you into a ditch your mentor jumped

“it is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

— J.K Rowling, Harry Porter #2

What the silent ripple reveals is the secret behind discovering your own being, no not how you become your role model or how to mirror the life of your mentor. It is all about being who you truly are, no shades, no fantasy. It’s in literal terms screaming, ‘everything differs from person to person’, even when you don’t see it. Let’s be original, use wisely your power of choice because our choices make us.



Tomiwa Onaleye
Editor for

I write experiences that scream to be expressed, to trap beauty and priceless moments so it isn’t lost to time.