Launching Out…

Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2018

Many of us are familiar with the question, “What do you want to become in the future?” from childhood. Averagely, many of us have given more than two answers to this same question in the process of choosing a career. Whether happy or not in our current positions we had been inspired by various factors.

The choice of a profession on impulse is a rather common selection method. However, only a small percentage of people who use the impulsive method of career selection (the only one discussed in this article) become successful. The impulsive selection method of careers is characterised by people who made their careers choices based on family trends, solidarity to friends, the prestige accorded a profession, etc. These rather shallow bases of selecting a profession have been the pitfalls of too many people today. Yet the solution cannot be perceived anywhere near.

We see the media swarm around sportsmen, actors, business moguls, idealists and political leaders. In which usually there is an emphasis on the success of these people, their abilities but very little talk about how they came about their choice of career or their relationship with it. A small team of young minds during a discussion decided to look particularly into what sort of relationship a list of successful individuals had with their jobs. It was discovered that almost all of them had a penchant for what they did and many of them, before they started out. These also developed an addictive approach to work as they fell even more in love with their jobs. This kind of work ethic the group concluded was not based on a shallow excuse to do something but a rather profound.

A major question was borne from the discussions,

“Why do people have jobs they don’t like and do what they love or what comes naturally only in their sparetime?”

The word ‘hobby’ earned the spotlight during the discussions, its definition,

“What an individual enjoys doing in his spare time.”

So, another question followed,

“Why only during spare time?”

Since the typical metropolitan has none. It meant there had to be a way to live out one’s hobby. A good starting point being finding a way to infuse it into one’s work or make it the real job one does entirely. Thankfully, it has been discovered that the typical millennial was already coming to the realization of doing what he loves. However, as a group it is strongly believed that no matter the age, level or status, individuals can exclusively enjoy what they do at every point in time especially their work (which sadly, too many dread).

It was from these discussions ‘Hoblife’ was born. Out of the dire need to emphasise the salient points of leveraging what we love to do as work. The name ‘Hoblife’ was created as a conflate of the words ‘hobby’ and ‘life’ which gave life to its mantra

“Living should be a hobby”

At Hoblife we say,

“When an individual falls in love with his work only then would he enjoy living simultaneously”

The major areas of focus of Hoblife’s official publication, ‘Hobliveon’ will be careers, hobbies and entrepreneurship. The publication will be infused with writings of other categories from her editors and various contributors subsequently. Other products of hoblife include, ‘Finalists’ Diary’ and ‘Qwik Editor’. Finalists’ Diary is a platform dedicated to documenting the life of final year students. And Qwik Editor is a platform which teaches individuals to possess the basic editing skills required to make their written English presentable and spoken English comprehensible. At Hoblife we strive to give you the best content you need always. Be on the lookout!!!.

This article was written by Olaniran Oluwatobi



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