Loved by Few, Used by Many — Diary of the Victims

Tomiwa Onaleye
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2019

Day 8, The Social Media Edition

Red rain fell from the canopy of his eyes as he saw the humans he called friends share the ‘apples’ of his labour like he never existed. Surrogate without a second thought, he dug anger pangs on the shoulder of death as the heartless eye-servicing friends hid their hands when he needed a shoulder to lend support. Lonely and weak he felt regret grow in his heart, the life he thought he lived and lives he thought he touched were only a façade. Fading out into eternity, his sight saw all the lies for what they were. Like an empowered gorilla he pried open his memories only to find legions of back stabbers.

Infatuated with the naked emptiness the world displayed as treasure, he sacrificed himself and his belief on the joy that he was reinventing himself into a being that was loved and admired by all.

The earth swept him off his feet, he couldn't resist, it wasn't like anything he had experienced before. His ears were so plugged to the erotic nature that he got drunk on invincible praises. Gladly, he stabbed lovers and embraced deceivers as the world kept cheering and leading him like a lamb to the slaughter.

Infatuated with the naked emptiness the world displayed as treasure, he sacrificed himself and his belief on the joy that he was reinventing himself into a being that was loved and admired by all. Little did he know the quotes he cherished and characters he emulated were those of blind men. Confused and clueless, they spend night and day spewing deceitful nonsense that shoves you deeper into thorns.

He was a product of the internet, a celebrity to the thousand of invincible follows that worshipped his page heaping likes and comments. He was an imposter to himself and they were to him friends, cherished voices and faces he encountered in the wild web.

Trepidation surrounds him every time he leaves the confines of his home because he had to live another life. A life that was soon going to herald him into stardom. He gave up everything unconditionally like a fool, an eye fixed on the ascending numbers of his digital followers. So lidded are his thoughts he doesn't realise as much there’s love to gain, there’s one to lose.

Time dwindled, death knocked. He opened the door only discover the horde behind him had vanished. Perplexed he sent messages and perfected help videos painting the struggles he had but no one came. The world had dealt him an uppercut and it didn't seem he was getting out of it alone. He had cancer of the blood, leukaemia and it was very bad. he screamed for aid but his loved ones were too far away to hear and millions who doted on him were nowhere to be found, it was like water on a hot surface. They evaporated with the wind, swept like the delirious hunger for attention that drives them.

He realized a little too late that of all his multitude of followers and legion of contacts he so jealously treasured only a few really cared, only a few really loved him but so many had used him.

Borne out of a need he posted a picture of himself, everyone saw what he looked like but not even one of them recognized him. He was no longer what the world called perfect, so no one will accept him for what he had become. He screamed at the world in extreme madness as reality began to catch up, he just wanted all the troubles to end but he couldn't even check the time without swimming in a lake of regret.

Lapping at the door of death he realized he lived with an eye closed. The voice of the multitude deceived him about what he truly had as treasures. The world watched him mockingly pour his diamonds into the trash-can while he adorned himself with superficially beautiful carcases. He realized a little too late that of all his multitude of followers and legion of contacts he so jealously treasured only a few really cared, only a few really loved him but so many had used him.

Upended and withered he had put innumerable nails in coffins even before his eyes were shut for eternity. ‘Un-abstain able’ temptation, you are the addiction killing the generation of world creators. Deceiver tool of the unforgiving world, cursed, you breed brainless imbecile who vomit obscenities before thinking and propagate disease that is best pruned young. Lord of the 21st century he is but your latest victim.



Tomiwa Onaleye
Editor for

I write experiences that scream to be expressed, to trap beauty and priceless moments so it isn’t lost to time.