The Wishing Pond At The End

Tomiwa Onaleye
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2019

The realism is, hopes and dreams exist at the start. Time abounds and the possibilities of what could be achieved are limited only by the strength of our hearts.

There’s an abnormality at the end of a thing. Though uncertain, major things are hidden from the sight of many at the eclipse of the sun. I can’t fully explain the beginning but I sure grasp the ending of all my endeavours. The realism is, hopes and dreams exist at the start. Time abounds and the possibilities of what could be achieved are limited only by the strength of our hearts.

However, there is a wish born at the end of a thing. I can’t enumerate the times I dumped coins into this invincible wishing pond. Harder to believe is the fact that none of them has ever made it past the confines of my mind. I don’t know if it’s only me but the end of a thing that I perceive are often always more wonderful and fulfilling than the whole journey.


“15 gallons later my sorrow refuses to drown. I had no more tears to shed, my heart had nothing left to give. So, we both sat me at the edge of the well of despair hanging on fumes while my sorrow lounged 2 ft down leisure dangling the ropes of immense despair around my necks. I was on my last thread and it appeared that the only way I had left to fall was straight down six feet under.”

The name of hope hidden in the far stars of the unknown is one the most important things. The meaning of my ramblings may seem hazarded to you but it is so cryptic you wouldn't perceive it in your every endeavour. It’s that inequitable wish that things will end up well even though everything is going bonkers. It’s that hunger for glory that is not voiced as life knocks you down more times than the alphabet count.


“I shed my thoughts, devoid of my emotions until my actions mirrored the codes of the most primitive robots. Devoiced and unrestricted I raced through the plains of existence embracing the peace of emptiness. Lost in a trance I found hope, a tiny question of ‘what if?’. There was no certainty but my heart in its emptiness craved meaning. Silently and with an unerring purpose hope crept back in and once again my heart began to beat like a warrior seeking revenge.”

Humans in actuality do many crazy acts when it appears there’s no alternative. When cornered into a decision, many often unfold their true colours because they realize in the spur-of-the-moment that time is on a wrap and the hope they hung on was finally losing breath and was sure to die. Their brains tick in seconds resonating the nagging passage of time but the calculative deadliness of desperation is never enough to fully rescue whatever situation they end up tangled in.


“I wear an artist canvas on my skin, I hold the scars that life has painted on me close to my heart. For every warrior, there’s always a next great goal, no matter how big and small it's all dependent on through whose eyes you are viewing. The name of my victory is written on my heart, now that it is over a part of me felt it should have lasted longer. The power I tasted at the peak of my power was so picture-perfect I wish to live there forever for pain was a far thought there.”

The paradox that absolute satisfaction is possible is one regularly disputed, several will agree that often they wish for extra time to enjoy the perfect beauty they never saw until the end. Sadly, there isn’t always enough time because everything must surely come to an end no matter how much you try.

In the end evolution is time.



Tomiwa Onaleye
Editor for

I write experiences that scream to be expressed, to trap beauty and priceless moments so it isn’t lost to time.