The Difference Between People who Win at Life and People who Have Big Dreams

You keep your promises to yourself

James T. Stockton
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2016


When the finish line comes into sight, do you slow your pace? I have. I do. The weaker parts of me tell me I’m already done, I can coast. But I’m in the business of changing that bullshit.

The hardest part of any accomplishment is starting. The second hardest part is finishing. Part of us always wants to hedge.

“I got 80% of the way there, that’s good enough. I’ve already written for 33 straight days, what do two more matter? I could finish if I wanted to, it’s not like anyone’s watching.”

You do it because you said you told yourself you would. People go far in life when they keep the promises they make themselves.

People write books about results, but we get there because of the process. We can’t always promise results, but we can promise to follow the process. Pick a good path, make a bite-sized commitment to follow the path and do what you say you’re gonna do. Reevaluate and adjust course. Refine the process and make yourself another bite size commitment.

You wanna be a winner or you wanna be average? Do what you say you’re gonna do.

