The Single Moment that Will Change Your Career

James T. Stockton
Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2016

I love the feeling of infinite possibility, dreaming of the many lives there are to live. Life has so much to offer, yet at the same time is so finite. Shutting the door on even one possibility is heartbreaking because we don’t have time for it all. Which hurts. It’s the unfortunate truth we’re all trying to ignore — life doesn’t last forever and we don’t have time for it all.

When you’re done being sad about that, it should motivate you. Right now is the time to make a firm decision on your direction and run towards it. There may come time to reevaluate and you can change course then. But your life will change when you embrace that indecision is not a viable reason to remain stagnant. You will find all the achievements, all the fulfillment, and all the truth you seek by moving forward. Today.

