Keeping Our Platform Stable and Reliable During the COVID-19 Outbreak
hoichoi tech blog
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2020

In the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic that has paused the lives of people, the recommended step is to practise social distancing, in order to break the chain of spreading the COVID-19 virus.

In this scenario, we, at hoichoi, have taken some significant steps to ensure that the services that our customers deserve are not disrupted, while the user experience is ensured as smoothly as possible.

Our platform is designed to withstand the surge of views and subscriptions during any festive period. But we are facing a similar spike at the moment, owing to the face that people are in self isolation. Hence, we can safely say in this emergency, things are different.

We are happy to serve a higher number of customers every day, as they are choosing and believe in us to keep them entertained during this period of separation from social activities.

However, it is also a huge task for us to maintain speed, stability, and reliability during this surge of usage, primarily because we have implemented a work-from-home arrangement for our employees to ensure their safety. We are undergoing a constant process to maintain the smooth functioning of the apps.

For this, we have to priorities features that specifically focus on user experience. We have also decided to reduce the bitrates temporarily of the videos on our platforms, predicting network congestion.

Careful monitoring of the usage patterns is helping us to take the necessary steps in adding capacity as and when required. Constant testing is also helping us to make preparations so that we can respond to customer queries and solve their problems without any delay.

We hope that we can continue to serve the purpose of this organisation and meet the goal that we had initially set out to achieve — entertain people and give them joy in a time of stress and crisis. We are working our best to make sure that our platform makes it easier for people to tackle isolation during this period of lockdown.

#WatchFromHome and stay safe!

Best team


hoichoi tech blog

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