
Amita Baheti
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2018

Offices are strange, strange places. Yet millions of us trudge to one every single day and sit on a swivel chair, breathing climate-controlled air and chugging on instant coffee, whilst staring at a screen for eight…. err.. NINE (Need to follow the working hours policy that I created!) hours.

Folks at Holachef take this craziness to the next level. Most of the time, I am forced to play the shepherd gathering all of ’em scattering sheep! But, let’s admit it — it is these very eccentricities that truly make the place. Here are some of our #WeAreCrazy moments.

The Ketchup Stash

We discovered that our CEO drops all the ketchup packets from his orders in his executive drawers. This discovery, makes us sneak into his cabin whenever we fall short of ketchup.

Tasting Sessions or Buffet?

Our Tasting sessions are scheduled almost every time our food team decides to feel hungry and adds in a new dish! The tasting sessions starts with — “Chammach kyun nahi hai?!” (We are always short of spoons. Always!) and ends with ‘Ab bas karo yaar, aur nahi kha sakta’

The Anti-Eskimos

We have some rare species in office who feel cold while they sit in our central air-conditioned office space. We don’t know which switch is mapped onto which vent and to solve this problem our product team came up with this jugaad. They decided to make their own wind socks out of a print paper!

All of us are human

Our investors ask for discounts too! (Ssssshhh..don’t tell them we told you!)

“The food was deliciously delectable until…….”

We may not know to cook, but we surely have our opinion on every morsel which comes for tasting! It’s salty, it’s spicy & chef be like WTFFFF. After all we just pretend to be Einstein of every foodie conversation.

CAT problems (literally)

Quite a few times, one or another naughty cat gets stuck in the vacuum space between our ceiling and the floor above, and the whole office stops working until the cat mania stops. What an excuse, I say! BUT, YES THIS IS TRUE.

Market Research

My sales team has a cupboard full of empty and used boxes of other companies, and they claim to keep these for analyzing the “market” but the truth is more often than not, they are used to take away our own tasting desserts home!!!

You ate my sandwich?

Frustrated by fridge thieves who continually ignore the polite or not-so-polite requests to keep their hands to themselves, this is how some of us label their food while keeping it in the refrigerator.

We feel you Ross

The inhouse DJs (or not)

Our Engineering team likes to play songs the entire day and they try to create a happening atmosphere, BUT on somedays their choice of songs makes us say

The case of missing Cutting Chai glasses

Our marketing team once introduced a month-long campaign of memorabilia with every order! Thanks to all the (insider) info, we knew that the next day’s surprise gift was a cutting chai glass! All the employees ordered in next day just so we can stock our pantry with the cutting chai glasses.

Now you know what I was talking about!

What about you though? We’d love to know your #WeAreCrazy moments at work or in life. Do comment! Alternately, share them in a tweet “Dear @Hola_Chef, Here is my #WeAreCrazy moment: ____________________________” and get a bonus coupon code as we celebrate this craziness together.

Cheers! Until next time.

PS: this is the crazy bunch

