Building Wealth with Startups

Chapter 28 of “Hold On”: NYU 2016

Naveed Iftikhar
Hold On
5 min readMay 5, 2023


Image of a Driverless Car Created through AI Night Cafe

(N.B. I’m writing a novel, a chapter a week, here on Medium. Find out why I write here, start from Chapter 1 here, and always feel free to give me feedback in the comments. I write here for the community.)

Ahmad could barely contain his excitement as he shared the news with Hira about the success of the startup he and Lizzy had developed during their senior year at NYU. They had created an AI-powered platform using natural language processing (NLP) to assess college applications, streamlining the process for both students and admissions teams. To their delight, the two had managed to sell their startup for a staggering $1 million, an impressive achievement for an undergrad student-led startup. Ahmad eagerly shared the updates with Hira and his parents, announcing that he would be visiting Peshawar in a month. With his degree completed and this newfound financial stability, he could now afford to travel more frequently to Pakistan.

Both Hira and Ahmad’s father were thrilled by this news. Initially, his father had hoped for Ahmad to land a job at a big tech company in the US, but witnessing his son’s entrepreneurial success, he encouraged him to follow his dreams. The buyers of their startup had offered Ahmad and Lizzy positions within the company to continue developing the product, which would lead to increased revenue for the founders. However, they were determined to pursue a new idea at the intersection of NLP and computer vision.

Ahmad eagerly shared his next startup idea with Hira. Their next venture aimed to enable driverless cars to read signboards and text on shop names, office signs, and other elements along the way. By analyzing this information, the vehicles would make informed decisions, enhancing their autonomous capabilities. With the market for driverless cars rapidly emerging in 2016, it was a promising startup idea. Signboards often come in various formats and writing styles, making them difficult for an AI solution to decipher. Visibility issues, perspective distortion, lighting conditions, and the need for multi-lingual support were among the other challenges they sought to address in their new venture.

Hira’s eyes sparkled with excitement, proud of Ahmad’s ambitious vision and his unwavering determination. However, the news came with a bittersweet twist. Hesitantly, Ahmad ventured forth, “I’ll have to move to San Francisco though. Moving to live in the Silicon Valley ecosystem will enable me to build this startup with full force”. Hira’s heart sank as she realized the implications of this decision.

“But……. I always thought you would be returning to Pakistan after graduation”.

“Yes, but I never knew this was possible. I will have to make sure I give it my best shot”.

Hira felt as though Ahmad was drifting away from her. The sudden change left her feeling hurt and betrayed, as she had been expecting Ahmad to return after his graduation and settle in Pakistan with her. This had been her dream ever since Ahmad left for his studies.

Hira had always been clear with Ahmad that she wanted to settle in Pakistan and not move abroad. She wished to stay in Pakistan to care for her elderly parents and younger siblings. Many of her colleagues in Islamabad were applying for Canadian immigration and encouraged her to do the same, but she had no interest. She often told them that she was in a relationship with Ahmad and that he would return after his graduation, with plans to settle in Islamabad and frequent trips to Peshawar to visit their parents.

But hearing Ahmad’s new plans brought her great sadness.

Hira said, “I’m sleepy. It was a long day today, and I also have to be up early. Can we continue this tomorrow?”

“Alright, sure”

Hira pressed the disconnect button and threw her phone on the bed. She was still dressed in her work clothes which she usually changed out of immediately after coming home. She tugged at her dupatta half-heartedly but could not summon the energy to take out clothes from her cupboard and change. Instead, she collapsed on her bed and buried her face in the pillow. She stayed there for hours, turning and twisting about in agitation. Many thoughts kept running through her mind, while her eyes stared at the fan whirling above and at her chipped fingernails in turn.

This had been her regular coping mechanism for many years, providing her space to process her thoughts and emotions.

After hanging up, Ahmad wondered why Hira hadn’t been as excited about the successful exit of their startup and the promising new venture as he had expected her to be. He knew Hira had always been supportive of his dreams, but her reaction left him puzzled and concerned.

The next day, Hira woke up with a heavy heart, her mind filled with conflicting emotions. She knew that Ahmad’s decision to move to San Francisco could potentially change the course of their relationship, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss. However, she also recognized that Ahmad’s entrepreneurial journey was important to him, and she wanted to be supportive.

That evening, Hira decided to call Ahmad back and discuss her feelings openly. When they spoke, she expressed her happiness for his success but also shared her concerns about the impact of his move on their relationship. She reminded him of their dreams of settling in Pakistan and how important it was for her to stay close to her family.

Ahmad listened intently and acknowledged Hira’s feelings. He hadn’t fully considered the emotional toll his decision would take on her, and he realized that he needed to find a way to balance his ambitions with their relationship. The two of them spent hours discussing their future, exploring various possibilities, and considering compromises that would allow them to stay together while also pursuing their respective goals.

In the end, Ahmad and Hira agreed that he would move to San Francisco to establish the new startup, but they would work together to ensure their relationship remained strong. They planned that Hira can visit San Francisco next year. Ahmad promised that he will move back to Pakistan after two years and then they will get married to settle in Pakistan. Hira was glad she had decided to openly have this conversation with Ahmad and was extremely relieved and satisfied with his reaction and response. She began the new week with a new zeal.



Naveed Iftikhar
Hold On

Entrepreneur & Urban Strategist. Wanderer. Writing my novel right here on Medium.