Are the Golden State Warriors Already in Trouble?

Aaron Hertzog
Holding Court
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2016


This isn’t some hot-take, click-bait opinion either. If you watched last night’s game you’d clearly see the so called “super team” is in big trouble. They definitely didn’t have it together last night, and didn’t look like a group that will be able to get it together any time soon.

They didn’t look smooth on offense. They didn’t look tough on defense. They didn’t look super at all. They looked like a bust.

The Not-So-Super Team.

I have to admit something. I didn’t see the game at all. I just know the Warriors lost to the Spurs, who are a great team in their own right. I didn’t even see highlights yet. I just know they lost, and took a quick peek at the box score.

I don’t know how they looked on offense. I don’t know how they looked on defense. I just know that they lost and I wanted to write this post first thing to get it out in the world as fast as possible.

The truth is I fell asleep. The game didn’t start until 10:30 PM EASTERN! I tried to watch the game, I really did. I was excited to watch it. But there I was, on my couch, snacks set up, and it was chilly in my apartment. Not uncomfortably so, but that nice, autumn chill where it get so nice and comfy if you get under a blanket, so I did! Then I figured I might as well just lie down on the couch, I have it all to myself. Then my cat, Lorenzo, came and nestled up in the crook of my arm, and it was so adorable and cozy, and I drifted right off to dream land.

See, this is adorable and cozy! How could I possibly be expected to stay awake?

So, I didn’t see the Warriors lose, OK! Maybe they are in trouble though. Maybe not. Who knows? Did you watch the game? Can I watch games with you in the future? Maybe I won’t fall asleep if I’m with a friend. Not that Lorenzo’s not a friend, he is. He’s just not really interested in basketball much. He’s more into cuddling and sleeping, and I’m easily influenced by the friends I’m with.

The Warriors will be in New Orleans on Friday trying to right the ship against the Pelicans. Can they do it? Or are they just polishing the brass on the Titanic?

EDIT: Yes, I wrote that Titanic thing before I admitted that I fell asleep and missed the game. I thought it would be a good button on the article and then forgot about it before I hit publish.

