AI | Translation | Language | Language learning

3 Reasons Why AI Won’t Replace a Human Translator

“Experts” that claim AI will replace you are wrong!

Aurora {AuraEcho}
Holication Holistic Publication


Do you really believe AI could replace human translators?

It won’t!

Let me explain.

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Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Language, in its purest form, is the expression of the soul.

It is not merely a tool for communication but a vehicle for human experience and emotion.

When we engage with a text, we are not merely decoding symbols but connecting with the thoughts and emotions of another being.

An AI, though it operates with a speed beyond our human capabilities, processes language through algorithms and data patterns.

It lacks the capacity to engage with the text as a living, breathing entity.

Can a machine, which has not felt joy, sorrow, or longing, truly translate the depth of these experiences in a way that resonates with a human soul?

The fear that AI will replace human translators is akin to the fear that shadows cast by the sun could replace the sun itself.

AI may mimic the form of our shadows, but it cannot emit light.

It serves as a tool, one that must be wielded with wisdom and a profound respect for the human condition.

Reason 1#: Emotional Depth & Sensitivity

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

When it comes to translation of creative writing, it’s not just about conveying information.

This is something beyond words.

Humans contribute to the creative process tremendously.

Human translators bring an inherent understanding of emotions and how they’re conveyed through language.

They can interpret and translate feelings, moods, and subtle tones that are often lost in AI translations.

But this is a crucial part in maintaining the emotional impact of the original text.

Empathy requires experience, and experience requires existence – a life lived with all its attendant chaos and beauty.


Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

Consider a love poem that uses subtle metaphors and delicate phrasing to convey deep affection and longing.

A human translator can capture the poem’s essence and evoke similar emotions in another language, whereas an AI might miss the emotional subtleties, rendering it flat and uninspiring.

Imagine you’re reading a heartfelt poem that was originally written in Spanish.

The human translator captures the raw emotions, the lyrical nuances, and the cultural context that makes you feel the passion behind the words.

Now, if an AI does the same job, it might give you something that sounds like your GPS reciting Shakespeare.

It’s correct, maybe even grammatically perfect, but it lacks soul!

Reason 2#: Cultural Sensitivity

Photo by Haseeb Jamil on Unsplash

Cultural Sensitivity and Emotional Depth & Sensitivity go hand in hand, they are pretty much interconnected.

Understanding cultural nuances and contextual implications is vital in translation, especially in creative writing that may include idioms, humor, or references specific to a particular culture.

Human translators can navigate these intricacies and adapt content to resonate with the target audience’s cultural background, something AI struggles to achieve, especially with the same depth.

Human translators understand that translating literature or any creative content is more about transcreation (creatively translating texts to preserve their original essence) than literal word-for-word translation.

All of that because they can sense the mood of a piece, adapt idioms and choose words that resonate with the target audience in a culturally appropriate way.


A human translator might translate the Spanish idiom “estar en la luna” (literally “to be on the moon”) to the English equivalent “daydreaming”, capturing its true essence.

In contrast, an AI could render it as “being on the moon, “ which is correct literally but misses the mark culturally and contextually.

Reason #3: Humor

Photo by Гоар Авдалян on Unsplash

Jokes, puns, and wordplay are almost always lost in AI translation.

If I joke about why the chicken crossed the road, a human might creatively adapt the punchline to fit a cultural context in another language.

An AI might leave the audience wondering what’s so funny about poultry jaywalking.

It’s like laughing because someone else is laughing – not because you get the joke.

In translating humor, a joke about American football might fall flat in a country where the sport is not popular.

A human translator would know to adapt this to a local sport or culturally relevant topic to maintain the humor’s impact, whereas AI might translate it literally, losing the joke’s essence.


Spanish joke: “¿Qué le dice un jaguar a otro jaguar?”

The English translation of that would be: “What does a jaguar say to another jaguar?”

Punchline in Spanish: “Jaguar you?”

The intended meaning of this punchline is a play on words where “jaguar you” sounds like “how are you” in a heavy Spanish accent.

AI fails to capture this playfulness, translating it literally and losing the humor entirely.


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

So, while AI is making leaps in many fields, when it comes to the nuanced, deeply personal, and culturally rich world of creative writing, human translators hold the fort.

They bring the flavor, the context, and the emotional depth that AI is still grasping at.

So, no worries, my fellow writers and readers, our human touch in translation isn’t going anywhere soon.

AI has got nothing on the soul and messiness of human creativity!

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