How To Think Without Thinking

8 fun alternatives for the verb “to think.”

Aurora {AuraEcho}
Holication Holistic Publication


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Ever find yourself stuck on just the word “think” when you’re trying to describe what’s going on in your head?

Have you ever paused to consider the many ways we can express the simple act of thinking?

There’s actually a bunch of different words you can use instead, each with a little twist that tells your listener exactly what kind of thinking you’re doing, be it superficial or deep.

Let’s dive into some cool alternatives, shall we!?

1. Ponder

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash
  • Definition:

To think about something carefully, especially before making a decision

  • Example:

I’ll need to ponder your offer before I can accept it

  • Why use this?

It implies a deeper, more deliberate process than just thinking.

2. Consider

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
  • Definition: To think about something carefully, particularly when making decisions.
  • Example:

Have you considered all the options for your new car?

  • Why use this?

It shows that you are weighing options or factors, which can be more specific than general thinking.


Photo by Chau Luong on Unsplash
  • Definition:

To be absorbed in thought or think about something in a dreamy or abstract way

  • Example:

She mused on the possibilities of a career change.

  • Why use this?

It conveys a more creative and prolonged thought process.

4. Contemplate

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
  • Definition:

To think about something as a possible course of action or to consider it carefully and at length.

  • Example:

He contemplated the consequences of his decision to move abroad.

  • Why use this?

It often involves deeper thinking with a focus on future implications.

5. Mull over

Photo by Yosep Surahman on Unsplash
  • Definition:

To think about something deeply and at length

  • Example:

I need to mull over these contract terms before signing.

  • Why use this?

It suggests a thorough review and consideration, often used in more formal or serious contexts.

6. Deliberate

Photo by Max on Unsplash
  • Definition:

To engage in long and careful consideration

  • Example:

The committee deliberated over the proposal for several hours.

  • Why use this?

It conveys a repetitive, deep internal dialogue, often personal and introspective.

7. Cerebrate

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash
  • Definition:

To use the mind to think or reason

  • Example:

He was cerebrating all the possible outcomes of his decision.

  • Why use this?

It’s a more intellectual or formal way to express the act of thinking, emphasizing mental activity.

8. Ruminate

Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash
  • Definition:

To think deeply about something; to meditate

  • Example:

She ruminated on what life would be like in another country.

  • Why use this?

It conveys a repetitive, deep internal dialogue, often personal and introspective.

*Side note*:

Be careful about using this one because rumination can also have a negative connotation.

It also repetitive thinking or dwelling on negative feelings and distress and their causes and consequences.

Are you tired of the same worries constantly replaying in your mind?

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  • You don’t have to stay stuck in that loop!
  • You’re not alone!

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This article is intended to improve your English proficiency and not as advice for digital writing, which should be accessible and simple.

If it resonated with you, I’m all ears for your thoughts.

Sharing your thoughts and engaging with it would mean the world to me!

