The Tale of Luqman and The Man: Wisdom of the Heart and Tongue

Heart and Tongue: The Worst and The Best Part

Parviz Haqshanas
Holication Holistic Publication
2 min readMay 11, 2024


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Someone hired Luqman Hakim and observed his works of science and wisdom.

One day, he asked Luqman:

Kill a sheep and bring its best parts to me!

Luqman killed the sheep and brought its heart and tongue to the eunuch. Another day, he said:

Kill a sheep and bring its worst parts.

Luqman killed another sheep and brought its heart and tongue.

The man replied, How can these be the best and the worst parts at the same time?

He said, Nothing is better than the heart and the tongue if they are pure, and nothing is worse than that if they are impure!


Tongue and heart could be the things that can save us in situations where you cannot do anything, and they can also cause failure and death if you do not know how to use them properly.



Parviz Haqshanas
Holication Holistic Publication

Passionate writer sharing stories from various topics and my experiences and enthusiastic in reading.