Blue Santa Doll

Dj Robbins
Holiday Cheer
Published in
Oct 28, 2023


Christmas Magic brought the viral sensation, Known as ‘’Blue Santa Doll’’ to life. I captured it on my phone and could not believe what I saw. Blue Santa Doll swiped a cookie and dunked the thing in the giant glass of milk on the table.

He chuckled with glee when he discovered me recording him on my phone. ‘’The Christmas star brought me to life and brought me a friend,’’ Blue Santa Doll said.

‘’And who might that be?’’ I asked.

‘’You,’’ the Blue Santa Doll said, hugging me.

We sang Christmas carols until we fell asleep on the sofa.

Originally published at



Dj Robbins
Holiday Cheer

About DJ, Once deemed a 'well of creativity' by a creative writing professor, he has won honorable Mention in Writers of the Future, wrote All the Lonely Boys