How much does it really cost to organise HOLIS?

Zsófia Szatmári-Margitai
We Are Holis
Published in
5 min readApr 13, 2018

Destroying taboo and talk about money

HOLIS is an educational experiment to foster innovation through interdisciplinary education. Every year we bring students from a wide range of disciplines together to work on social innovation projects with the support of outstanding team leaders. If you never heard about us, go and check the outcomes of our previous years.

This program is a non-profit endeavour organized by bunch of enthusiastic people, who believe in good education, positive impact, social change and the power of community. We receive a lot of volunteer work and get support from our sponsors and grants. Since 2014 we had attendees from 10 countries, 110 participants from 35 universities and 17 team leaders.

One of our main value besides some other — later we’ll also share what kinds of values form HOLIS — is that we deeply believe in transparency. And we not just talk about it, we do it.

This post is created by that raising need to talk about cost and fees. We as organizers and volunteers some months ago have started a discussion about the right amount of fee and its connection with financial situation of students and other attendees. Questions were just coming:

How do we define the right amount? Why do we ask that money? What do we think about participant fees? What you will get for your money? And last but not least, how much does really cost to organize a summer school?

So let’s start to ruin those taboos around money and talk about it shamelessly.

If you’re into excel tables and numbers, then this part is for you. You can check our last year expenses here.
To jump to the end, the total cost was 18 028 €, we paid 2083 € and we have in kind contribution 15 945 €. As you see we were lucky with our partners, sponsors and friends who support us and made HOLIS 2017 possible.

But what kinds of cost do we talk about? Just to go roughly, there are the following: accommodation for team leaders and participants, transportation, technical services, printing, fees for team leaders and facilitators, kitchen related stuff and food, workshop materials, PR costs, website, project coordination. And the list can go on depends on how detailed we want to be, and it’s already 18 028 € and we haven’t counted our time what we spend with planning and organising. We have an inside joke related to our working hours — could you imagine HOLIS if we would have the chance to spend 5–7 hours / day to improve it and it won’t be any non-paid volunteer job? Well, as we said we’re enthusiastic and passionate about HOLIS and maybe a bit crazy, that’s why we make it every year.

In 2018 we’ve decided to create two types of participant fees: student/unemployed and (self)employed.

Our previous experience is that it’s a great combination to mix students with already working people. This way you can share your knowledge, way of thinking, viewpoints and shake your (working) habits a bit. So this year we allocate 50% of the places for students/unemployed. And we’re waiting for those, who want to refill their creative energy, be inspired and have a short break from their regular job.

But come on, how much does it cost?

Student / unemployed fee is €220–260
(Self)employed fee is €330–400.

Why is it in a range? Well, we believe that if you’ve a choice to make your own decision about fee, you’ll appreciate more your expenses and take it seriously. It’s always a good feeling when you make your own choice and have a chance to play a bit with freedom. And of course is also a test, we are curious about your reaction and the average amount of fees. So do it as you feel! We offer 2 scholarship places for those who can’t afford the fee. Scholarships are awarded based on financial needs and the quality of your application.

And now look at a bit closer what will you get for your money?

  • 9 nights accommodation in peaceful Polish countryside.
    You won’t suffer from light or noise pollution. We guarantee a relaxed environment: during night you can expect bonfires and countless stars on the sky, daytime is about creative work and endless green area to escape from your daily life and refill your energies.
When we say relaxed environment, we really mean it.
  • Daily 3 meals focus on local, ecological friendly product with healthy meals. Check out our last year feedback, the highest scored get the meal — just sayin’
We love eat outside and enjoy meals together.
  • Interdisciplinary, international team.
    And it’s 100% sure. You might find your future co-worker, project partner, boss or simply an inspiring mate. It’s truly about the community.
Daily reflection is inevitable, we learn how to give and receive feedbacks.
  • Outstanding team leaders, they are passionate and willing to share their tips and tricks and guide you through the whole process. And it’s not just about work, we have time for party as well — of course, with them.
Yes, it’s a plastic cow and don’t ask how did she ended up in our party.
  • Real challenge to work on and make positive impact.
    It’s happening, some of our previous years’ outcomes have already implemented by our business partner. We make impact, not just talk about it.
Closing event with locals, saying thank you for their openness and willingness to work with us.
  • Interdisciplinary work methodology.
    You can definitely use it later on, or if you are already familiar with it, then you can try out what you’ve learnt in school, read here on Medium or watched those countless TED video. It’s your time to get your hands dirty. And future is about collaboration, interdisciplinary and empathy — so it seems like HOLIS is an adequate place to practice it in a safe environment.
Always ready to jump into details, it’s the result of our field research.
  • Unforgettable social experience.
    At the end, we are getting really cliché, but it’s still true. Ask any Alumni, all of them have a memorable stories connected to the week.
Those magical summer nights around the bonfire.

So let’s do the math and divide €220–260 or €330–400 to this above mentioned aspects. And if you feel apply now.

What do you think, is it worth it?



Zsófia Szatmári-Margitai
We Are Holis

believe in an opened-up, conscious life with a designerly way of thinking and doing