Please Let’s Start Loving Shamelessly

Because it costs $0.

John Fáwọlé
Holistic Excellence


Photo credit: Obi Onyeador from Unsplash

I don’t know. But it seems love is scarce, or at best fading away. We are all in the world where we suit-up and give some looks like we have no emotions. We give serious looks and shun anyone who wants to be humourous.

And what do we want to get rid of? Love.

Many had experienced wrecking betrayals, heartbreaks, snitching. Because of that, they have decided to mask up the loving part of them as a shield to more dangers. No, you can’t blame anybody. Once beaten, twice shy. Isn’t it?

In a way, we see guys or ladies who don’t express emotions or romantic feelings as strong people. We see them as mature people. Well, but is that always the case?

In a similar context, love is not all about romantic relationships. I feel that’s where we have misunderstood it. Love is for humanity. When you see a fellow human being, do see such a person as someone of your nature. Do we even love humanity?

Also, masking up as though we don’t have emotions does not mean we’re strong. In my opinion, it shows otherwise. Because even God shows—and is—love. So who are we?

When Last Have You Said "I Love You"

