The Big Problem With The Rise Of Trad Wives —Its Impact On Young Girls and Women

Ritika Dawalia
Holistic Health Manual
4 min readAug 27, 2024

Strength is life. There is no life without strength. Do not give up and do not give your power away.

There is nothing worse than weakness. There is no space in this society for a weak person internally or externally. So there is really no option but to harness and work on our power and keep getting better.

Influence of Trad Wife Ideology on Young Girls

These days, on social media, there are various accounts promoting the slow and soft life and the whole trad wife aesthetic and while at one glance it might seem nice, the ‘comfort' it promises is like a heavy chain around your neck, the longer you stay put the harder it will be to break free and get up and find your own way.

Trad wives emphasize on living life within the confines of a traditional gender role. This ideology however in today’s day and age has potential negative impact on young girls and women.

These accounts often portray a romanticized version of domestic life that can be appealing, especially in a world where many people feel overwhelmed by modern challenges.

These images, with their serene and curated appearances, suggest that a woman’s primary role is to be a caretaker within the confines of the home.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with choosing a domestic life, the problem arises when this choice is presented as the only or most desirable option.

For young girls, who are still forming their identities and understanding their potential, this can be limiting and damaging. For young boys, taking a look at this content can hamper their ability to imagine women in any other roles in life.

However, this portrayal can discourage young girls from pursuing their ambitions and limit their perception of what they can achieve outside of traditional roles.

The Danger of Comfort and Complacency

Comfort, while valuable, can become a trap.

While comfort and security are valuable, too much complacency can lead to a loss of autonomy and personal growth. Both of which are essential for a fulfilling life.

I urge you to speak up, take space, challenge ideals and grow. Have your own dreams, strive hard for them, do not give up on everything that little girl had always dreamt about.

Even though rights and privileges are essential for empowerment. Rights exercised along with privileges makes people weak sometimes.

Remember the struggle many have endured before you to put you in this place of choice where you can decide. What are you teaching the next generation when you give up your power, head down and agree, stay behind and accept being made to feel week.

You have all the knowledge to grow and change the trajectory of your life. Take charge of your habits and your goals and you will achieve them with consistent efforts.

The Role of Supportive Relationships

Surround yourself with strong men and women, those who encourage you to chase your dreams and grow in life. Those are the real ones.

Weak men and women see strong women as a challenge and are a nightmare for them and they start to reduce a beautiful strong women into a shell of the true person she is by demotivating her, mocking her for showing potential. Don’t be that woman and stop respecting such people. The company that one keeps can significantly influence the way their life unfolds. .

No one will give you this freedom, this is and has always been yours. All you need is to stand up against those who try to keep you down and fight for it. There is no compromising on this, no negotiations to be held — just you doing what is right for you and for the women to come after you.

Respect those women and people who have gained that independence and power you aspire to reach in life.

For everyone, this will mean a different thing and it should. Take a long and good look at your life. The road is challenging but the view will be beautiful.

Once you start walking on this path, you will meet people who will support you. With every person that stand against you, strong people will support you. There are people who will encourage growth rather than diminish your potential.

Embrace your freedom, respect and motivate young girls that often get discouraged and swayed away quickly.

The Challenge of Discomfort

Discomfort is the price you pay for a life worth living.

Inspiring the Next Generation:

When women give up their power and accept traditional roles without question, they not only limit themselves but also send a message to the next generation that it is acceptable to do the same.

Each generation has the power to inspire, influence and set norms and expectations for the next generation ultimately shaping the society for them.

“Turn your vulnerabilities into sources of strength”.

Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and empowerment.


While trad wife mentality might seem appealing to some, it is important to highlight the dark side of this aesthetic and encourage women to reach their true and full potential.

As a beautiful ad once said —

“We are yet to see the full capabilities of the human race because many women have not yet stepped out of the confines of their homes”.



Ritika Dawalia
Holistic Health Manual

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