Balance your body’s pH levels with an Acid-Alkaline balancing nutrition plan

Francesca DeBerge
Holisticare by Francesca
2 min readJan 5, 2017

The contemporary Western diet has led to the ingestion of a high dietary acid load, suggested to cause inflammation in the body and ultimately disease.

An acidic state in the body can develop due to unhealthy lifestyle choices such as:

  • Lack of physical activity
  • Stress
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Shortage of time
  • Nicotine and alcohol consumption

The main reason without a doubt is food.

“The majority of acidosis sufferers can be treated simply by significantly reducing their consumption of acids and increasing their consumption of alkaline foods” (Vasey, 2006, p. 20).

Common Symptoms of Acidosis

Most common symptoms include general fatigue, irritability and nervousness, muscle and joint aches, dental cavities and lose of teeth, stomach upset, gastritis, and intestinal problems, frequent respiratory, colds, or sinus problems; poor circulation, blood pressure and cardiovascular disorders and disorders of the bones including osteopenia, osteoporosis and arthritis.

The most effective ways to treat acidity is through diet, supplementation and with lifestyle modifications.

Dietary changes are to reduce the amount of acidic foods in the diet, and increase more alkalinizing foods and minerals.

The following table provides a list of acidic, neutral and alkaline foods. Acid forming foods are proteins, cereals, refined sugar, alcohol, coffee and tea. Alkalinizing foods are most vegetables, sweet fruits and nuts including Almonds, Brazil nuts and Chestnuts.

A nutritional plan that balances an individual´s pH level, supplementation and making necessary lifestyle adjustments are all necessary when combating an acidic state. This should be accomplished under the care of a health professional such as a Holistic Nutritionist or Registered Dietitian.



Francesca DeBerge
Holisticare by Francesca

Francesca is a Certified Food Therapist and is presently completing her Masters of Science in Holistic Nutrition.