6 Powerful Questions To Ask The Akashic Records That Will Supercharge Your Business

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6 min readOct 15, 2019


I’ll be honest — I find asking the BIG, juicy questions to the Akashic Records kind of boring.

Don’t get me wrong. When you first learn how to open your records, it’s the FIRST thing you tap into. If you broke into my house and stole all my old notebooks from when I first became a certified AR reader, you’d find pages on pages on pages of questions like, “Why am I here?” and “What’s my soul’s purpose?” and “What was the point of insert ex-boyfriend’s name in my life?”

Those questions are incredibly valid and super fun to ask. But once you get the answers to the big q’s … welp, you kind of have them for life. No need to revisit your records every day and query again! In fact, if you do continue to nitpick at the same topic, your MTLOs will probs get kind of annoyed with you.

While I love getting those life-jolting answers, I actually prefer to use the records for more practical, everyday questions. Over the past few years, I’ve found them to be incredibly helpful when making choices about my personal life, health routine, and in particular, my business decisions.

The cool thing about the records is that you can literally ask anything you want (you won’t always get the answer you’re looking for, but you’ll usually get…




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