3 Hints Your Natal Chart Can Give You About Your Life’s Purpose and Ideal Career

Published in
7 min readJun 28, 2019


via Pinterest

I recently read a piece in the NYT that made me physically ill, because holy hell is patriarchal capitalism brutal.

The article, “Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got ‘Greedy,” relayed the sad truth of a woman’s role at work: Even though womxn, on the whole, are more highly educated than men, we hit our earning potential sooner and often end up stunting our career growth to support our partners.

The author points out that women who want to have children, and also continue to work, end up leaving the regular 9-to-5 workforce to pursue jobs with more flexible hours or other benefits. Because, hi, I could barely have a dog while working at a tech startup — I can’t imagine how people can have kids.

The Problem with the Old Paradigm of Work

I posted it on my personal IG stories, and the number of responses I received from badass women who were mothers and excellent at their jobs who felt trapped between a…




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