Chaotic Energy = Chaotic Life. Here’s Why Energy Healing Can Help You Find Clarity And Purpose

Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2019


There were many times in my life that I thought I had it all, that I was living “the dream.” Only to find a few years or months later everything falling apart at the seams. The Universe’s last warning for me to “get my life” together came during my Saturn Return.

following major life shifts

Ah, the infamous Saturn Return. What exactly is that you might say?

As a non-astrologer, the simplest way I can explain it is that it’s a phase that comes every 27–30 years and lasts 2–3 years. During Saturn Return, you’re asked you to take stock of your life and shed what doesn’t serve you becoming a more evolved, best version of yourself. And when you ignore the signs or try to take the easier path, the Universe has a funny way of putting you in challenging situations in which you have to face the most shadowy bits of yourself and rise to the occasion.

During my Saturn Return — while I was recovering from the life of a wannabe Republican…




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