Sex As A Wellness Practice: Meet Isharna Walsh, Founder Of Coral

Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2019


Warm, welcoming, easy to talk to, Isharna Walsh has an impressive background and empowered outlook: Imagine a world where sex is a core pillar of wellness, and right alongside eating veggies and getting regular exercise.

When you examine Isharna’s sex-positive tech company, Coral, what makes her unique is that she’s, well, ordinary. Isharna isn’t a sex-pert of any sort, though her company has its sights set on helping you “learn better sex” through expert vetted, science-backed content. She’s simply a person who, like other founders, in a time of need found a gaping informational hole, sought the help she needed, then decided to pay it forward to culture at large and fill the void by starting Coral.

Through its in-app programming with everything from solo sex practices to guidance on how to talk about sex (or lack thereof) with your partner, Coral aims to make sex-as-wellness a reality by inspiring hope and curiosity around your sex life.

So what is one thing that the founder of this better sex app wants you to know? That sex is your place first and foremost, and you can make it what you want — plain and simple. Take that advice and apply to all and you have some of the best whole life wellness advice we’ve heard yet.




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