What Are The Akashic Records?

Published in
10 min readJun 28, 2019


“The Records are now open.”

Immediately, my body felt different than when I usually parked my butt on my meditation cushion.

As the room murmured the last line of The Pathway Prayer together — a mantra said to open the Akashic Records — I felt something shift inside my mind.

My body felt weighted to the floor, but my head felt light, almost as if the top of it had been opened up, and it was expanding simultaneously in all directions. I started to see flashes images that I’d never seen before, then I heard words and phrases in a calmer and deeper version of my voice. Somehow, I knew with every fiber of my being that what I had just tapped into was not coming from me … even though the skeptical voice in my head was muttering, “Maybe you’re making this up.”

I had no idea what I was getting into during my first session opening the Akashic Records — but I walked away from the experience totally changed. It literally felt like I had been handed the keys to the Universe… and as a person who sometimes (ahem, often) finds herself lying awake at 3 a.m. with anxiety about the future, I truly felt at peace.

If you’d asked me what the Akashic Records were just a few weeks before, I would have given you a strong side-eye — mostly because I’d done a very cursory Google search on them, which had yielded…




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