4 Key Insights from the Frontrunners of Business Beyond Sustainability

Johanna Hallin
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2017

The very first Index report was launched in the spring of 2016, celebrating the top 10 frontrunners in business beyond sustainability. Since the launch, the tool has been calibrated and further developed. The Inter Business Index of 2017 is built upon an even more extensive analysis of the 50 biggest corporations in Sweden and their ability to create holistic value — now and in the future.

These are the initials insights from the Inter Business analysis of 2016.

1. Beyond sustainability

Being successful in sustainability has moved the winners beyond traditional notions of “sustainability” into a new understanding of their core business as a vehicle for multidimensional value creation.

I would not talk about sustainability as something separate from our core business. The different aspects of sustainability are so intertwined with everything we do.”- Johan Ununger, CEO, Saltå Kvarn.

2. Anchored in Purpose

By standing strong in purpose, the winners have mobilized the momentum to leap from one single issue to a complex understanding of issues as being interconnected.

During 2012 we asked all employees what we need to do to still be around in 133 years. The dialogue resulted in a list of the 10 most important things. For the social and economic aspects of sustainability they emphasized that we need to have attractive products, good leadership, motivated employees, profitability for future investment, as well as an attractive workplace.” — Carina Roos, Head of development, Polarbröd.

3. Change-making through intrapreneurship/entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship — or intrapreneurship — is key. By taking agency beyond one’s own operations and believing in one’s own significance, the winners have taken on the task of creating change for their fields.

“We are value-driven. We want to be an energy company that is run with an entrepreneurial spirit and in an innovative manner. The key is to be self-aware and ready to make improvements when it’s needed.” — Elias Vieglins, PR Manager, GodEl.

4. From sure to clear

From sure to clear: the frontrunners have made a shift from a focus on being right to being transparent and in motion. This means that they can openly share and have a dialogue about the challenges they face and the improvements they are making.

“My best advice is to go out and talk to people and be open to listen and to make changes!” — Anton Håkansson, Founder, DayCape.

This is an excerpt from the first iteration of the Inter Business Index of 2016, ranking the 10 frontrunners in business beyond sustainability. Based on published research, the Inter Business Index uses a unique tool, Ibx Insight™, developed to measure and analyze the core skills that indicate a company’s’ ability to create holistic value.

Download full report of 2017 and find out which Swedish corporations are the frontrunners in business beyond sustainability — the ones that have the ability to lead with the skills needed to create value in multiple dimensions.

The Inter Business framework is built on extensive qualitative research, resulting in not only the Index itself, but also a sound methodology for the framework that have been published in Journal of Management and Sustainability and European Social Innovations Review.

The Inter Business Index is presented by us, Inter Business Initiative, and Ibx, who offers tools to measure and manage, as well as insights on, business beyond sustainability.



Johanna Hallin

Exploring a future of interconnected business innovating for humanity #InterBusiness