Deja Bitch

Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2018

“Who the hell IS she?”

I just had a “Deja Bitch”….When you see a chick you can’t stand, but can’t remember why.

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen her since I forgot why I hate her, but she clearly hates me too.

The first time was 8 years ago at a friend’s concert at BAM Café. I left NYC for a year and went underground after having a baby. This outing was kind of a big for me.

There was no room to sit in the Cafe’ so I joined the crowd lining the wall.

Then she walked past me. Our eyes met and instantly we both stopped, stared at each other dead on, and it was apparent “Holy shit, I do not like you”.

Me — Hey…I know you

Deja Bitch — Yeah

And it wasn’t good.

We stare at each other not being able to place each other.

Then we both grimace and she moves on.

It was pretty surreal.

During the concert, I could feel her staring at me and in between I songs I raced my brain trying to remember where I knew her from.

And I DID I know her…and like I said, it wasn’t good.

The concert ended. We both left. Life went on.

Then she got in my building’s elevator yesterday and BOOM there it is again.

I held the elevator door for her because…that’s what I do, and as she got closer, my brained added up she was Deja Bitch.

She ran in and after she pushed the button did a double take.

She sighed as if I was some inconvenience.

Dammitt who is this bitch????

I just shook my head and sighed right back. Yeah I got high faluting sighs too, Deja Bitch

But this is what happens to you when you live in New York City long enough. People start to recycle themselves.

They pass around you like the sun in your 20’s and 30’s and all those mugs come back again.

It’s weird as hell and people, mostly good, a few bad come right back again.

There’s an episode of Sex and the City where Samantha takes home the same guy twice.

They’re rolling around in bed when she stops and asks “Have I fucked you before?”.

At the time I saw it in my late 20’s, I thought “How in the HELL could you NOT remember someone you went to bed with?”

But I still can’t place Deja Bitch.

She went around my sun. We pissed each other off and we don’t even know why.

This kinda makes me laugh.

I hadn’t seen Deja Bitch in years til yesterday and I have a feeling I’ll see her again.

Damn…..That…. Bitch

I kinda look forward to it though. I’m crazy that way. I’d go to hell just to see who’s there

My life unfolds in the craziest ways so right now I’m looking forward to seeing this heaux I clearly hated sometime in the past….The Aughties maybe, where I wore a warm up suit and a Von Dutch hat.

I never wore a Von Dutch hat but I did have 8 identical, different colored warm up suits and I was fucking fabulous.

Maybe next time we’ll remember what happened.

Maybe next time won’t happen but who am I kidding?


New York has a way of having 12 million people in it, but the one bitch you hate from the 90’s moves in right next door to you.

Maybe next time we’ll just be nicer to each other.






Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK

Creative Director. I’m a writer, I act, I dig my kids, I talk a lot of smack, #YesIAmThatMom, Twitter @hollieharper5, fb-Hollie Harper (the black one!)