Don’t Forget YOU

Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2018

“You gotta cheer yourself on too”

OK that’s not me.

I wish it was though. I do CrossFit 3 days a week and I LOVE IT.

I love it for so many reasons but you know what’s very close to the top?

No one there sees me as a mom.


Don’t get me wrong. They know I’m a mom and I love being Luna and Razi’s mom but CrossFit is where I go to think SOLEY about me.

I’m not wiping anybody’s butt. I’m not checking homework. I’m not getting a last minute science project sprung on me. I’m not breaking up a bulls** fight over Pringles.

I am there to get my body right. That’s it.

My coach Tammy is a doll….with a SUPER body she earned, and an ass that would make Sir Mix-a-lot cry.

That’s Tammy. I don’t have a picture of her ass because…that’s creepy but believe me, I signed up last January AFTER she turned around at orientation and I peeped her onion.

CrossFit it tough. It’s NEVER easy for me. But just like parenting, you put in all this work and when you least expect it, you see results.

Now let me be fair in saying that my CrossFit peeps have met my kids several times. My kids have camped out there on ipads when school was closed for long weekends and summer vacation.

But it ain’t about them and I LOVE THAT.

I can look at the wooden 24 inch box and figure out how I’m gonna jump up on it. Not how WE are gonna all get downtown, or how WE are gonna make Luna’s Girl Scouts on time.

It’s For ME.

Tammy’s also a mom. And as a matter of fact, last Friday we had a group of 9 people, ALL parents. Not one child-free person in the bunch.

We were doing Wall Balls where you throw a weighted ball high up against the wall and catch it as you squat down and repeat.

We did 150 of these suckers and thought I was gonna die.

I was wheezing and started taking breaks after every set of 10.

I was not last…THAT NEVER HAPPENS, I’M USUALLY LAST AT EVERYTHING…so I was really celebrating. And I moved into “cheer for the others” mode.

The last guy was Dude who’s wife is expecting their first baby so technically he’s not a parent yet. As he reached 150 Wall Balls we all high-fived him.

Afterwards we spoke during our water break.

Me — You know the last time I heard cheering like that?

Dude — When?

Me— When my daughter learned to walk

He smiled and his eyes flared with excitement. I pat him on the shoulder.

Me— Things are about to get really good for you

Dude — I know, I’m so excited

I nodded.

Me— Just don’t forget you…you gotta cheer yourself on too

He smiled like a little kid.

Me — We’ll all cheer for you

He broke into soft laughter.

Dude — Thanks Holl

As I left, the brisk, weird May air seeped through my sweaty shirt and it hit me…

We all need someone cheering us on, hoping the best for us, willing us towards the finish line. Because there’s a little kid in all of us.

And whether it’s through a new job, parenthood, an illness or heavy transition…

We are all still learning to walk.





Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK

Creative Director. I’m a writer, I act, I dig my kids, I talk a lot of smack, #YesIAmThatMom, Twitter @hollieharper5, fb-Hollie Harper (the black one!)