The Boil

Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2021

“I hate what happened at the Capitol but I’m grateful as hell my children saw it”

Many people are not stating the obvious reason Trump’s terrorists are raging….their perceived king got voted out by Black folks.

And they are freaking out at the reality that white supremacy is murky water and America is an ever widening sieve

Racist whites are lost….because white supremacy dictates that whiteness only exists in juxtaposition to Blackness.

For we know whiteness was a construct white landowners created.

It was a distraction given to poor whites to avert their attention away from wholesale disenfranchisement by rich whites. This was done by giving them a false status above Black people.

But something happened.

Eight generations of Black upward mobility set in motion during Reconstruction found Black people suffering but still succeeding in spite of Peonage, in spite of Jim Crow, in spite of lynchings, voter suppression, segregation, redlining, mass incaceration and every other form of racist oppression.

We knew the hard rock of inequality and violence was always just around the corner. We simply PLOWED THROUGH. We never bought Hoover’s promise of a 2 cars in every garage and a chicken in every pot. We knew that was not for us.

But progress was made. Enough progress to see a Black president every shade of American youth adore. And then…..well by then…the toothpaste was just OUT the tube and I dare you to get it back.

Is there still the ever-crushing rock of racism? Yes…..The devil always stays busy and he has many advocates. But to many white Americans it has appeared we passed them. Because many of us simply….HAVE

So….. if we Black folks cease to occupy the station of Being Black, then what does it mean to be white?

Job security gone, beauty standards changed and media narratives centering the Previously Othered, basically POC ….has unhinged them

My family watched the Walmart Insurrection and we noticed many things but a few things stood out

One, they looked grubby and two, they had the comfortable fervor of a Sunday afternoon tailgate. We even saw a police officer take a selfie.

I’ll address the grubbiness later

The Selfie…..

Son — Mama he’s taking a selfies with them. They BROKE IN THERE and he’s taking a selfie!!!!!

That’s when I explain that only folks dumb enough to not wear a mask would NOT have the sense their racist ancestors had by choosing white sheets to obscure their identity

Because underneath the KKK hoods were doctors, lawyers, judges and police officers sworn to uphold the law

But looking back, wasn’t it really was the Law of Whiteness?….. The Complexion of Protection masquerading as “Law and Order”

“Why won’t they comply?” these same people ask when a Black man is murdered over an ALLEGED fake 20. This, asked by people whose ancestors burned crosses and held parades for lynchings

I hate what happened at the Capitol but I’m grateful as hell my children saw it.

They watched grubby, (told you I’d get to it) heart-mangled men fight for the right to hang Mike Pence for COUNTING THE ELECTORS.

They were BIG mad this white man was saying ‘These votes count as much as yours”….and BOOM, privilege GONE with only grubbiness remaining

Grubby in sloppy QAnon hoodies with skin that’s seen too much Jack Daniels, hell who are we kidding? Evan Williams, day after day….while they looked at Beyonce and hated her for being so fine but no desire to be on their arm.

Grubby, watching a brown skinned first lady with more class and education than their whole family put together

Grubby in their addictions to Oxy and Fentanyl hollowing out a middle age body that probably won’t see 70

Displaced AF by the lie their white skin was a blessing and a badge

Just freaking GRUBBY….soul grubby from bitterness, speech grubby from thinking English class didn’t matter cause they were gonna get that factory job rich white CEO’s made disappear

Financially and socially emasculated with the only real power they can touch inside an AR-15

But most of all…LOST, trying to find their way back to a Truth That Never Was

Because for many racist white folks, whiteness is all they have

It is a dollar bill quickly depreciating into a Chucky Cheese coin

It is the crab on its back, flitting and flailing at everything that nears it…..

Fearing the cycle of history

The karma

The Boil






Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK

Creative Director. I’m a writer, I act, I dig my kids, I talk a lot of smack, #YesIAmThatMom, Twitter @hollieharper5, fb-Hollie Harper (the black one!)