My Tween

Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2019

“You’re twelve……it kinda sucks right now. You’re too grown to be little and too little to be grown”

After watching my sweet little girl turn into a dissatisfied tween I finally mustered up the courage to say the obvious.

We walk home from school under the Brooklyn sun. She eats seaweed sheets and finishes up a story about a small ruckus at lunch.

Me — You know you seem unhappy a lot….. You’re miserable aren’t you?

Luna — (totally surprised) I AM!

It’s quiet til I smile and shrug. She busts out laughing. I laugh too.

Luna — Mama you’re not supposed to laugh at me!!

Me — You walking around angry as hell. Why you mad?

Luna — I don’t know

Me — Your little friends ALL look sad. Especially the awkward ones

Luna — MAMA!!!! You’re not supposed to say that!

Me — Just be glad it’s not YOU!!! I’m serious. You don’t know what fugly life is like

Luna’s eyes flare and she shakes her head

Me — You’re twelve……it kinda sucks right now. You’re too grown to be little and too little to be grown

Luna — I’m just…(she shrugs)…it DOES kinda sucks. I can’t go anywhere and I wish you would STOP calling it playdates we don’t get on the floor and play

Oh snap…I had no idea I was demoralizing her

Me — One day you’ll be so grown and these few little years will be like nothing

Luna — What did you do when you were twelve?

I think about it. 7th grade.

Me — I made bad science projects and used to pray for this boy to love me

Luna — (laughing) You prayed?!

Me — YES I thought prayer would fix it!

Luna — Did he like you?

Me — NO!

She dies laughing

Me — I was FUGLY..and you are NOT. You’re like what tweens look like on tv it’s really not fair. You could be soooo much more unfortunate

Luna — More unfortunate? I’m already unfortunate?

Me — You are with that sad ass face! You are so pretty and you walk around all glum. Like you have menstrual cramps… in your soul

She stops laughing. I realize I’m going too far.

Me — Look…seriously Luna…. I was sad all the time when I was your age. It’s OK.

I stare at her and remember Baby Luna in her green and pink Maclaren stroller and tear up. I used to hold her little body so close to me every day. I lived for it.

Now I make a game of seeing how long she’ll let me hug her before she becomes annoyed. I laugh but deep inside I wish for 20 more seconds.

And then I remember to enjoy this moment

Cause this….

This fleeting moment of baby faced promise and young woman smarts in a blooming brown girl flower….

I must take in this moment and smell this New Luna.

I gotta take in these eyes, this face, this hairdo and set of friends.

Because this too shall pass.

This is Life Gold….and I gotta collect while I have it.





Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK

Creative Director. I’m a writer, I act, I dig my kids, I talk a lot of smack, #YesIAmThatMom, Twitter @hollieharper5, fb-Hollie Harper (the black one!)