The Writer

Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2019

“ PLEASE don’t make my idea go away”

7:40 in the Morning

My son Razi is a first grader.

And now he’s late for school.

Our A Train is held for a sick passenger. We’re finally approaching his school stop. I’m hustling because….we’re LATE

Razi’s been writing a new book. He writes 3 new little 4–8 page cartoon stories every week

The train pulls in.

Me — Pack up your book and pen Bud, we’re here

He writes frantically. I’m frustrated.

Me — Bud we’re already 10 minutes late! Come on

Razi — Mama I have an idea and it’s really good


I start to take his pen out his hand. He tears up and pokes his lip out.

Razi — (almost crying) Please PLEASE don’t make my idea go away

I stop and SEE him.

He’s freaking desperate, holding his little book to his chest, eyes watering and begging

Me — Damn…OK

Because I know what he’s talking about. I’m a writer. I have missed trains, buses, classes, dates, movies and train stops because I had to grab an idea and put it down before it disappeared like a fart in the wind.

Razi, like his mom, is a writer.

I See Him. My husband sees him. But most importantly, Razi Sees himself.

And I LOVE that.

18 months ago I ran off my elevator through the lobby and saw it…an unused box on 11 X 14 inch paper.

I was late for rehearsal but I love free stuff. And when it’s paper or any kind of art supply, the WORLD STOPS and I have to have it. This is a benefit of living next to one of the city’s biggest art schools.

Razi had been writing all throughout the summer of 2017. His newfound hobby at barely 5 years old had me wondering if this was a phase.

I folded the paper in half. “This makes a nice little booklet” I told myself. So I made a dozen booklets. Each had 5 sheets of paper that made 10 page booklets when folded and stapled. I handed one to Razi.

Me — Hey Bud, Mama wants you to make her a book.

An hour later he came back with one. Then another one, then a third. That first week he made all ten books. Each had a little story about a dude named Sammy that always has bad things happen to him.

After almost a year we realized he had over a hundred of them. Now there’s more than 200.

A few weeks ago, in conversation, I realized Razi thinks about TV seasons and episodes.

Razi — Mama how many episodes do you need to tell a complete story?

Me — At least 6. That’s what the Brits do a lot. 6 episodes

Razi — That feels short

Me — It is. American network dramas will have like 20

Razi — WOW! There’s a lot you can do with 20

Me — I know, imagine the stories you can tell

With eyes wide with wonderment, he stares ahead, smiling.

Razi — That would be so awesome

He’s 6.

He wants a show on Youtube because I explained that NBC won’t just put his show on if he asks them.

Razi — Mama I can’t wait for them

Me — OK Bud, I feel ya

But I think NBC WILL ask him one day.

I’ve pretty much accepted that my son might wholeheartedly be the Shonda Rhimes of the 2050’s.

And I’m very cool with that.





Hollie Harper
Hollie Harper INK

Creative Director. I’m a writer, I act, I dig my kids, I talk a lot of smack, #YesIAmThatMom, Twitter @hollieharper5, fb-Hollie Harper (the black one!)