I’m in a glass case of emotion.

Holly Valenty
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2018

I figured I would drop a quick line to friends and family to answer the main questions I’ve been asked.

“Hi! I’m alive!

Yes, the program is really hard.

Yes, I like the snow (right now).

Yes, I’m eating. (Dad and Grandma, this one’s for you ;). )

Yes, it’s freezing, but that’s ok. It makes being inside all day tolerable!

I’m really liking the program. I love being able to solve problems and understand simple web pages in a way I never have before. We’ve covered HTML, Terminal, Git, Github, and CSS.

Yes, the instructors and students are great. Everyone is really nice, and helpful.”

In addition to that I thought I would also share a quick note about all the help and support I’ve received and truly how much it means to me. It’s the words and sentiments from friends and family, and even acquaintances, that have helped me push through each struggle I encounter. And, yes, I know it is only been a few days..but between the pre-work and class, you wouldn’t believe the amount of times in a day I think “Holy ****, why did I do this?”.

The help I have received from willing individuals has also been immensely meaningful. From graduates of The Iron Yard Tampa Bay helping me out with for loops during my pre-work, to former coworkers hopping on Google Hangouts with me (might I add for an hour at 10PM on a Saturday night) to help me figure out how to push to Github. And my seat mate, Ann, who leant me her log-in so I wouldn’t fall behind when my student platform wasn’t working. It’s all so helpful and so appreciated.

Anyways, I’m just really feeling the feels on the love and support and wanted to share with anyone reading this, that it really does go a long way while going through this experience. It doesn’t get old, and it’s always needed.

Ok, end feelings.

Real footage of me every day.
Me, Day one.
Coding Dojo, Chicago.
Duplicating a block challenge with CSS.



Holly Valenty

Full-Stack Developer and Tech Education Enthusiast.