holoride x KoinSaati — 22nd Nov, 2021

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10 min readNov 23, 2021

We enjoyed another exciting AMA session, this time with KoinSaati for the Turkish holoride community. We received many interesting questions about holoride and our plans for the future, and we had a lot of fun answering them!

In case you missed the session or want to check it out again, enjoy reading this transcript!

KoinSaati: hello @NilsWollny 🙋🏻‍♂️welcome to our lovely community, how are you doing?
Nils Wollny: Thanks for having me! Doing great!

KoinSaati: it is great to hear! personally I am very hyped to host you here this evening, I have been in love with Holoride since first time I meet with it 😍 and I am so sure our community is hyped as much as me. let’s start if you are ready!
Nils: Definitely! Looking forward to the conversation with you!

KoinSaati: Hello Friends, Nils Wollny, CEO & Co-founder of holoride is with us today for the AMA (Ask Me Anything) Event.
Nils, thank you for accepting our invitation to answer the questions about holoride!

Our event will be held in 2 sessions:

First we will ask you our own questions about the project and chat will be closed during this session.

After Nils answers our questions, we will open the chat for five minutes to be able to receive questions from our members. Asking questions in English is encouraged however our translators will also translate the Turkish questions. Nils will cherry pick and answer 5 questions of the community. Those whose questions were answered, retweeted our event announcement (https://twitter.com/koinsaati/status/1462359786134069248) and be a follower of https://twitter.com/koinsaati and https://twitter.com/holoride Twitter accounts will be able to receive the giveaway prize.

Now we will start asking our questions. Let’s have a delightful event!

Could you briefly tell us what is the HOLORIDE project and how was the creation process?
Sure, the purpose of holoride is to turn transit time into valuable time.

People around the globe spend billions of hours in transit every day. Private passenger cars account for around 1.4 billion trips per day and, prior to COVID, the four biggest ride-hailing companies carried out an additional 50 million trips with passengers every day. But despite all of these hours spent in the car, the passenger experience is still pretty dull.

holoride is revolutionizing in-car entertainment. We take everyday journeys and transform them into hyper-immersive experiences by combining route and car data with Extended Reality (XR).

Regarding the initial idea and the creation process, this happened when myself and my two co-founders were working together at Audi — within digital business, immersive technologies, and autonomous driving development.

We recognized that entertaining yourself while commuting is not easy and existing entertainment products are not really made for transit, but are usually more enjoyable outside the vehicle. We wanted to solve this problem and started working on a prototype. Along the way, we managed to convince the Board of Management to spin out the project to give it a real shot. And here we are!

If you want to see holoride in action, check out our full brand trailer 🍿:

KoinSaati: since I was a little kid I have been fighting with my brother to sit front passenger seat since back seats are always so boring 😑 well, not anymore, with Holoride it seems fights will be for to sit in back seats 😁 I am looking forward to my first ride ever with Holoride
“Are we there yet?” turns into “Are we there already?” 😉

KoinSaati: When we examine the HOLORIDE project, we encounter a structure that makes car trips more fun. Can you tell us about other features of HOLORIDE?
We’ve chosen a first-of-its-kind and revolutionary approach to bring motion-synchronized content to vehicles. Some of our technology is derived from autonomous driving and we’ve added our secret sauce to enable this new form of in-car experience.

We’re establishing a completely new media format we call Elastic Content. It’s made for moving vehicles and adapts to the movement of the car through the powerful software and algorithms we’ve built.

It’s ‘elastic’ because the content is processed procedurally, meaning it adapts to travel time and route. For example, if you turn right at an intersection, content is being processed in a way that reflects this turn. Making content elastic allows for many use cases and the experience is always different depending on the actual route.

With all this, we transform the car from one of the worst surroundings for entertainment into one of the best spaces to enjoy content.

Finally, we’re beginning with a focus on gaming and entertainment content, but as we start to build up our content platform, we will offer additional use cases, such as educational or well-being focused content.

KoinSaati: these are great to hear 💪🏼 riding experience involves with the future of our cars and for sure you will be a part of this future

KoinSaati: Does HOLORIDE have a structure that can only be used in vehicles? Will users have the chance to experience the VR experience at home or in the outside world?
Nils: The whole purpose of holoride is to enable media content to be consumed in moving vehicles and this is what our product is designed for. But this isn’t to say it’ll only be available in passenger cars. Although this is our initial focus, we will be exploring other use cases in future.

KoinSaati: it makes sense 👀 we will be waiting for other use scenarios that you will bring into the metaverse.
Let’s jump into cars first!

KoinSaati: Metaverse projects have started to receive great attention. Do you think that thanks to HOLORIDE and similar VR projects, how greatly the Metaverse world will begin to enter our lives?
Some industries, like gaming, have already shifted their focus, while others, like transportation, represent an untapped market poised to benefit from the rising popularity of the metaverse.

Platforms that utilize both XR and gaming will be among the first to bring the metaverse to the mainstream since they are more familiar with its possibilities and this is why the holoride experience is inherently a metaverse experience. By combining XR gaming content with real-time vehicle data, we can offer some of the most fully immersive metaverse experiences.

In addition, holoride’s establishment in the gaming and XR spaces will help attract early adopters of the metaverse. As I said, passengers represent a largely untapped market, and they will increasingly seek engaging and immersive experiences.

KoinSaati: exactly! metaverse is the future, and so far it seems like its hype has started with gaming industry, but all other industries have to adapt to it, you have strong and well-established partners, it will be exciting to witness and be a part of this ride to the future 👀
Indeed 😉

KoinSaati: What will be the economic cost of accessing and using the HOLORIDE system? Does it have a structure that can be integrated into every vehicle? Can we get information about this?
We are currently preparing for a 2022 market launch and will share further information on these aspects at a later date 😉

KoinSaati: Thanks for your explanations, Nils! Now I will ask my last question. After you answer my last question, we will open the chat for 5 minutes and let the community ask their questions. Turkish questions will be translated by our team and after 5 minutes you will have a chance to pick and answer 5 of the questions asked. We strongly encourage our English-speaking members to ask their questions in English.

KoinSaati: Can we get information about the RIDE token, which is the local token of the HOLORIDE project, what are the benefits for its users?
Deploying blockchain technology to enhance the holoride ecosystem is a major milestone in our overall journey.

The RIDE token will be listed on the Maiar Exchange shortly after the public sale that is taking place this Friday, and for which applications have already closed.

The Maiar Exchange is the decentralized exchange powered by Elrond: https://maiar.exchange/

You can connect your Maiar App, Elrond Web Wallet, or ledger with the exchange and should be good to go, if you don’t manage to get your hands on some RIDE tokens during the public sale.

Regarding the benefits … RIDE token holders will be able to participate in the governance of the holoride platform, and, therefore, play an essential role in making important decisions about its feature development and content portfolio.

In addition, user subscriptions, digital items, upgrades, and brand placements will be purchasable with RIDE tokens at a discount from their Fiat price. Token holders will also be granted early access to content and rare collectibles.

And we have more ideas … Stay tuned!

KoinSaati: Elrond has been developing its ecosystem for a while and Maiar DEX seems to do very well so far! and you will be the first coming from its launchpad 🥺 so the hype for this public sale is massive 😬 I am sure many community members are looking forward to it!

now we will move on to the community questions, and there will be lots of questions I bet 😅 after they finish asking, you are welcome to answer as much as you want but remember that the only first 5 questions you answer will be rewarded, so I suggest you choose wisely!

let me know when you are ready and we will open the chat

Community Question: I applied for the holoride project but it still looks in progress. Do you have any solution for this? Most of the people have already done but not successful and as you know the kyc process has already been done.
Thanks! I know many of you probably have had a similar question in mind.

We have been overwhelmed by the extraordinary interest in RIDE and that our vision has resonated with the community. We received an unexpectedly high number of applicants for participation in the public sale of RIDE.

Unfortunately, our high standards have allowed us to only approve roughly half of all applications that we have received so far and we know that there are people who are still waiting for a response. Rest assured every application that’s still waiting for verification will be reviewed. If you have submitted all the required documentation and completed all steps and still have a pending status, your application will be evaluated today.

Community Question: Holoride will initially start with an offer that will appeal to a gaming and entertainment-savvy young and twenties audience. As I understand it, your primary goal is to reach the Z generation. But isn’t that unfair to middle-aged people like me? Will you also include the less technologically-savvy audience compared to the Z generation by educating and simplifying your products?
We’ll begin with a focus on gaming and entertainment content, which is primarily targeted to teens and tweens, or Gen Z. As we start to build up our content platform, we will expand the user base by targeting a more diverse audience and adding more use cases, such as educational or well-being focused content.

Community Question: Who are the partners holoride works with? Can you tell us how the metadata monetization method will be for XR patents? How do we win in Holoride?
In response to your first question, we’ve been lucky enough to have already done projects with Audi, Disney, Porsche, Discovery Channel, Mercedes-Benz, EvoBus, Ford and Universal Pictures since we started. Along with many others we haven’t talked about yet!

Community Question: Why don’t you add a feature like play-to-earn in holoride world drive-to-earn by collecting items on roads or on journeys? Or tasks to be done on the roads. The reward might be the RIDE token or a new coin which might also be an alternative to RIDE.
holoride will help to transition to sustainable mobility and plans to establish a “Ride-to-Play-to-Earn”-cycle that incentivizes users for their engagement with holoride experiences.

We have many ideas of how tokens will be used to make your holoride experience a meaningful and valuable one. For example, active participation in our community, loyalty, gaming achievements, voluntary sharing of (mobility) data, riding in electric vehicles, the expansion of our ecosystem… and many more.

Seeing the pace of innovation in the blockchain space, I’m sure the community has many more creative ideas for additional use cases.

Thank you all for your great questions again! It was great to be part of you community today. Please make sure to follow us and stay informed regarding the progress we make.

RIDE on! 🚀

KoinSaati: Thank you as well Nils! 👏🏼 it was a pleasure to host you here and to meet with Holoride 😍 I am sure everyone enjoyed it as much as I do

About holoride

holoride creates an entirely new media category for passengers by connecting Extended Reality (XR) content with data points from the vehicle in real-time. These data points include physical feedback, like acceleration and steering, traffic data, as well as travel route and time. holoride technology provides a new type of immersion into any kind of VR content, creating a breathtaking, immersive experience, and significantly reducing motion sickness.

The tech startup was founded at the end of 2018 in Munich, Germany by Nils Wollny, Marcus Kuehne, Daniel Profendiner, and Audi, who holds a minority stake in the startup.

In April 2021, holoride raised €10 million in its Series A funding round led by Terranet AB, earning the company a €30 million valuation. That same year, ​​holoride won the prestigious SXSW Pitch and was also named Best in Show. It has been hailed “Best of CES 2019” four times, recognized as one of the “100 Best Inventions of 2019” by TIME Magazine, and is part of the global innovation platform “STARTUP AUTOBAHN powered by Plug and Play”.

