My Definition of Manhood

I can’t find a good definition of manhood, so I wrote my own.

Brandon Foster
Holy Agora


What makes a man? This is a very hot topic these days. There are a lot of people who would get offended by the question before they even get to my definition.

Let me be clear. I am not trying to downgrade anyone. I am trying to create a definition based on the Bible and the teachings of Jesus.

I would love for anyone to give me feedback on this definition. Is it good? Bad? or on point? Where can I fix it, and how should I?

Without further ado, here it is:

A man is a male, created in the image of God, who exemplifies His commands of earthly subjugation and filling. He is a servant to those in need, a steward to all that God has given him, controls himself in all matters, lives in meekness, endures hardship like Christ, loves like God, lives faithfully for others, and lives communally within the body of Christ and the world.

I would love to know what you think! Comment below



Brandon Foster
Holy Agora

What's up?! I am an author who loves to write about God and how to help men grow in maturity. Follow to join my journey!