Iktashef 2019: Frequently Asked Questions

Holy Land Trust
Holy Land Trust
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2017

Wondering about the program? We have answers.

Is it Safe to Visit Palestine?

Yes. Particularly in the Bethlehem area, it is safe to visit. We have run this program, and many other pilgrimages and delegations for internationals in this area, for many years and participants have consistently reported that they felt safe and comfortable during their visit.

What safety precautions do you take?

Holy Land Trust’s main concern is your safety while you are with us. Therefore, we provide you with a local health insurance. The program provides participants with a local cell phone for their use during the program so that they can keep in close contact with Holy Land Trust staff and other participants as needed. We brief all participants on safety during the introductory orientation session.We are constantly reassessing the situation on the ground in terms of safety and, if we felt for any reason that it was unsafe for participants to join us, we would cancel the program. In case of severe emergency, Holy Land Trust would evacuate the participants to a safe place and organize their travel back home. ​

How much spending money should I bring?

It’s really hard to say. Your main expenses outside of your flight and the costs of the program itself will be some lunches and local transportation (taxis and services) which are both offered relatively cheaply in the Bethlehem area. On the other hand, a number of participants do go out to fancier restaurants on a regular basis, ordering large meals or maybe coffee and hookah, and also spend a considerable amount of money on souvenirs to bring back home. Shipping packages back home can also get pricey, so you if you plan to do this you might want to consider this expense in advance.

​All things considered, previous delegates have found that $10–15 per day is more than sufficient to cover the cost of daily expenses. You could easily get by on less than this. You should probably bring some additional money for tips and if you plan to buy souvenirs and gifts. Cash and your credit card (Visa is the most accepted at ATM machines) usually work best. Please bring small bills (5s and 1s). It is very difficult to cash travelers checks in most of the places we will go so don’t bother with them.​

The Dates Don’t Fit My Schedule. Can I show up early or late?

We do, STRONGLY encourage participants to work within the dates already provided, which are already highly flexible, if at all possible. If you miss the orientation session at the beginning of each session, you may have a harder time adjusting to the culture as well as the program activities. Any special travel arrangements, including early or late start dates, must be communicated to Holy Land Trust at least two months in advance of your departure.

When is the deadline to apply?

  • Deadline for the first session applicants: March 2019
  • Deadline for the second session applicants: April 2019

Is the cost of my trip tax deductible?

For those from USA, Holy Land Trust has a partnership with a 501 C 3 organization called Engage The Middle East. As we seek to provide a first class experience for you and your fundraising goals, you can deposit your funds by clicking this link https://www.allegrosolutions.org/donate/EngageTheME.001.php.

Once you’ve been accepted and on your way to join us, we’ll set up an individual account for you to raise money for your program. All donations are tax deductible, and will be reflected to your donors on each donation.

