NFT Airdrop News

Barry from Mover
3 min readSep 30, 2020


The sweet Airdrop of a mysterious NFT is getting closer. Just to recap: we opened our liquidity program on 24th and those users who participated immediately didn’t get any rewards so we had to stop the program. As a matter of a bonus we decided to reward those affected users with a unique NFT (NFT is a digital art that can be stored in your wallet. You can keep it, sell or send to someone).

I’m sure some may have questions: what about the contract, is everything okay and so on. Everything is absolutely ok. This NFT airdrop is dedicated to those early participants that staked in the initial launch on September 24th. We quickly identified a bug, and had to stop the program. One address received all 24,000,000 tokens. The official relaunch was on September 28th. More information on the relaunch are in this article:

For all of you guys joined later, there will be more events and prizes so stay tuned! Anyways, some of the important news:

What’s the value of it? Just like all art: you decide on the value. But:

All addresses that have participated in HOLY farming will get a unique NFT in retrospective. So those who staked and waited for their HOLY rewards, but never received them will be owners of this limited NFT. No actions are required — it will be airdropped. When we grow — this NFT will be the mark of the notsogreat but fair start.

Here is a full list of all eligible addresses:

The snapshot was created with a list of addresses that were interacting with HolyKnight contract from its creation till block 10926455 (inclusive).

Now, when will the distribution happen?

The airdrop will happen on Sunday, October 4th.

I’m a mysterious address that got all 24,000,000 tokens, what should I do?

The address that got 24M HOLY is a very decent person that helped us identify an error quickly and proceed with the action plan. Thus, the decision has been made to reward this address with a special, unique 1 of 1 Holyheld NFT.

It will also be airdropped to your address. By the way, here is that famous transaction:

Do I need to do anything to get it?

No. All addresses that participated were identified and a snapshot address list has been created, and there is nothing you need to do. We counted everyone who interacted with a contract: approve, deposit and withdraw. Even failed deposit transactions also count.

What kind of art is it going to be?

It is still a secret, but I’ll give you a hint: 🕵️‍♂️ 💸.

What can I do with my NFT?

Anything. NFT is a non fungible token. It means that’s it’s a very similar thing to other tokens on Ethereum (without going into the details). So you can send between wallets. You can sell it, you can buy, or you can keep.

