Home Education

we are not the enemy

Gary Walter
Home Education


Shortly after arriving on campus, a woman my wife loves and trusts made a harsh comment about home schooled children. Not only was it incorrect and not based on the latest research, but it was made without first seeking to discover why we choose to home educate our children.

It’s not that we haven’t heard these statements and comments before — but when we hear them from people who we admire, it hurts more.

Research has shown that home educated children score higher in college entrance exams, are able to hold their own in social situations, and quite often outpace their peers in maturity and spiritual development. But traditionalists continue to deny these facts.

For some reason, those involved in institutional church schools show particular disdain to homeschooling families. It’s as if they see home educators as the enemies of the brick and mortar schools. But we are not the enemy — Laodicean apathy is the enemy.

“Seek first to understand”

Denominational, brick and mortar schools are no longer considered necessary for every church member. In fact, a growing number pastors with young families are choosing to home educate their children. Instead of criticizing the families that choose this path, maybe the professional educators and others should ask why this is happening.



Gary Walter
Home Education

Ready, Willing, and Able... http://www.garyswalter.com (also tweeting @Daddytude, @rescueandrelief and @EMSlegacy)