Yummy prawn/chicken curry

Prasaktha Nambiar
Home Made
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2015

Heres a real quick and easy prawn curry recipe that I had given to a friend of mine few years ago. My cooking is usually mood based and my ingredients are usually never planned in advance but just on the basis of my “feels right” instinct. Apparently, this friend Purna had come home and had this curry and found it real yumm and requested me for the recipe. I gave it to her the same day itself lest I myself forget what I had added. Purna’s in Germany now and even today she rants about how quick, easy and real yummy this recipe is, which she has tried with chicken too and found that her family and even her German friends find extremely good. So recently, just two days back when I was wondering how to make my chicken, remembered her talking about this preparation and decided to go behind and find my mail to her. As expected could’nt find it and had to get in touch with Purna herself. Technology and connectivity being what it is, she immediately responded, I collected my recipe on my mobile and set off on my mission. Honestly, I surprised myself even :-))

Not only was it abso quick but found it really yumm and “homemade”. I did mine with chicken and the results were great so I can easily vouch for the prawn version too. Do note, my pic here is the chicken version though my original is with prawn.

1/2 kg prawns cleaned and deviened or 1/2 kg boneless chicken

To grind to paste:

8 big button onions(shallots)

1/2 tsp jeera

half a pod of garlic

equal amount of ginger

2 green chillies

1/4 tsp turmeric powder

1 1/2 tsp chilli powder

1 1/2 tsp coriander powder

2 cloves +equal cinnamon

1 med tomato

-Heat 2 tbsp coconut oil and fry the ground paste along with a pinch of salt and sugar until well done and the house smells of all those wonderful well blended ingredients

-Then add the cleaned prawn/chicken and cover and cook over medium flame. I normally do not add water b’cos some water gets released from the washed prawn/chicken

-Once cooked(about 10 mins), add one cup coconut milk and simmer for 10 mins

  • Switch off and garnish with a few fresh curry leaves and finely chopped coriander leaves.


While frying onions, I usually add a pinch of salt and sugar so not only do the onions taste better but have read somewhere that it helps them brown faster.

Also, if coconut milk is not available, I simply add normal milk. Still works well for all of us at home the same.

For those needing more spice a little pepper pwdr can spice up the curry quite effectively. I sprinkle 1/4 tspn at the very end.

The fresh ginger and garlic being ground can always be replaced with 1/2 tsp of ginger paste and 1/2 tsp garlic paste but you still need to blend it with the onions, tomato, etc.

Vegetarians can try this recipe with paneer and green peas or even with two cups of mixed cooked vegetables(diced carrots, beans, green peas and french beans) and it really comes out as well too.

