A Vision of Unity: What does it mean to be Interconnected?

Interconnectedness is a tale that Druidry has revered since time unknown

Seamus Nindon
4 min readAug 28, 2023

In a previous article, I addressed some of the most frequent questions I encounter from those embarking on their Druidic journey. In this piece, I aim to explore the question most often posed by those who’ve already ventured a few steps: “What does it mean to be ‘Interconnected’?”

Photo by Kevin Young on Unsplash

Imagine sitting beneath an ancient oak where the world is tranquil, and time is but an abstract idea. Truly listening — not merely with ears, but with the soul — might allow one to hear the universe’s most ancient narrative. It isn’t about gods or monsters, heroes or villains. It unveils the essence of interconnectedness, as perceived through Druidic eyes.

The concept of interconnectedness, a cornerstone of Druidism, often bewilders many. Some nod in seeming understanding, perhaps to avoid further exposition from seasoned Druids like myself. Yet, alongside reincarnation, it forms the backbone of our philosophy, making it vital for those yearning deeper insights.

To paint a vivid picture, interconnectedness embodies the profound realisation that every element of existence — whether natural or man-made — is inextricably woven into the vast tapestry of life. Druidic interconnectedness transcends mere physical connections. It encapsulates the spiritual ties linking a child to their lineage, a bird to the vast sky, and a stone to Earth’s profound mysteries. The soft luminescence of the moon isn’t merely a celestial reflection but signifies the perpetual cycle of life, death, and rebirth that we all engage in.

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

Visualise a tapestry, not the kind adorning museum walls or aristocratic homes, but one that’s alive and pulsating. Each strand represents a life — a tree, a creature, a brook, a stone, and indeed, each one of us. Every action and decision sends reverberations through this vast fabric.

For Druids, this is not just a poetic metaphor but an undeniable truth. The world isn’t a mere assembly of discrete elements but an intricate ballet where each gesture holds significance. The gentle rustling of leaves carries messages, river murmurs are keepers of archaic tales, and Earth’s sighs mirror our innermost feelings.

Fascinatingly, interconnectedness and reincarnation are among the scant religious or philosophical notions that align with scientific understanding. Skeptical? Eminent science communicators like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Brian Cox have elucidated the pre-Big Bang state. Before that monumental explosion, every conceivable matter in our universe was condensed into an infinitesimal, incredibly dense point — a singularity. This entity, which could be cradled in our hands, contained everything that ever is; from the device you’re reading this on, to the energy that powers it, the your very own fingers which clicked into this article in the first place.

Delving deeper into science, Antoine Lavoisier’s 1785 Law of Conservation of Mass asserts that matter is neither creatable nor destructible. Everything from that minuscule pre-universe state persists today. Hence, everything surrounding you once existed as a singular, unified entity.

Photo by Ankit Sood on Unsplash

Interconnectedness urges us to acknowledge that this scientific process is still underway, reminding us of our cosmic lineage. Druids perceive a tree as a vessel of ancient knowledge. They interpret winds, not as mere sounds but as oracles. Recognising our role in this grand cosmic tapestry, Druids aspire to live in harmony with not only nature but the core essence of existence.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, where digitisation often distances us from our roots, it might be rejuvenating to momentarily retreat beneath our symbolic ancient oak. To sense our role in the grand narrative of existence. To genuinely attune ourselves to the tales of interconnectedness whispered by the cosmos.

By comprehending our position in this cosmic dance, we evolve from mere spectators to active contributors to the universe’s most profound narrative — a tale not of separation but of unity. A tale that Druidry has revered since time unknown.

Acknowledging this intricate web of life and existence bestows upon us a grave responsibility. Aware that even a fleeting thought can send waves across the cosmos, how should we navigate our path?

With reverence. With respect.

Each creature, each plant, every dream that we weave,

Are threads in a tapestry too vast to conceive.

For in my eyes I know, one truth will not bend,

All of life is connected, in loops that never end.



Seamus Nindon

Druid, poet, environmentalist. On a mission to educate and entertain those looking to explore Druidry as a healthy spiritual practice.