Being Judged as a Parent Comes with the Territory

The shades of grey in parenting the “right” way

Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Family Matters


By Liv Bruce on Unsplash

There’s no way around it: I feel too much.

Looking back, I’ve always been this way, but after entering motherhood, this trait exploded — because motherhood is the most personal experience in many women’s lives, including mine.

Think about it: You’re transforming your body and raising a person. You go from making decisions for yourself to analyzing choices for another human being.

You scrutinize over these decisions because you don’t always know if these choices will negatively or positively affect your beloved human, despite the mind-bending research and Google hours. So, you start trusting your gut because if you scrutinize too much, you’ll go insane.

You eventually accept that being judged as a parent comes with the territory.

And don’t get me started on the contradicting advice you receive from everyone from doctors, friends, parents, strangers, in-laws, and the cat.

Okay, maybe not the cat, but there are many critics and experts regarding how you should and should not raise your child, and it’s exhausting.



Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Family Matters

Amanda is a work at home mama who contributes to various magazines and blogs. Contact her at for interview or blog articles.