Careers and Life Options for Teens with ADHD and Cognitive Differences

How do you as a parent help them move forwards?


Are you a parent with a school leaver coming up? Do they have cognitive neuro-divergency — or perhaps not? Are they just non-conformists? There are no easy answers but there are ways of exploring the question.

So often at school those with cognitive neurodiversity issues are left feeling there is nothing they are much good at. This is so very very wrong. People who do not fit into convenient boxes and so often alienated from the rest of life.

It is one of the huge failings of our academic system, that it caters for such a narrow band of people in life, and in the process ignores vast oceans of potential that could seriously benefit humankind in many more imaginative ways. But most people are channeled into employment fodder roles for those who ‘create jobs’ so that they can make themselves rich from the effort of others. Many of these roles are relatively impossible for people with ADHD, if not downright abusive. We need lots of variety, stimulation and usually a fair bit of physical activity thrown in to burn off our excessive energy. We also need to play to our own individual strengths as it is more or less impossible to force someone with ADHD into the wrong shaped hole. They can be amazingly…



Sylvia Clare MSc. Psychol, mindfulness teacher
Family Matters

mindfulness essayist, poet, advocate for mental health and compassionate living, author of ‘No Visible Injuries’, ‘Living Well and Loving ADHD’ and many others