Getting Kids to Listen to You Without Raising Your Voice

Some tips for parenting peacefully

Brian Relay
Family Matters


“Get down from there. NOW!”

Imagine if someone talked to you that way. Would you just lower your eyes and comply? Chances are you would reject this person and rebel against their wishes.

A common confusion with regards to communicating with children is that we tend to forget they’re human beings. We typically take the time to be courteous and respectful to other adults, but when talking to kids, it’s like all those social conventions go right out the window.

We have power and authority over children, and when they’re “misbehaving”, we tend to use that power as an efficient means to get our way. Kids that misbehave most often are the ones who hear this type of authoritarian approach thrown at them.

I know it’s difficult to stay present and calm in the midst of the insanity that sprouts up from who knows where. The trick is to take measured steps in order to minimize the chances of those insane moments occurring in the first place.

One strategy is to be fun as often as possible.

When you’re a fun and enjoyable part of their lives, kids are more likely to feel compelled to please you. If you find yourself yelling and commanding them, they see…



Brian Relay
Family Matters

Aspiring novelist/director/podcaster/spiritual guru/normal person