Family Matters — Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about being a writer for Family Matters.

Laura Fox
Family Matters


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash


  1. How do I become a writer for Family Matters?
  2. Why can I only submit unpublished drafts?
  3. Why was my article not a fit for Family Matters?
  4. What tags should I use?
  5. I’m not a parent. Can I write for Family Matters?
  6. I’m new to Medium. I don’t understand how to format the layout of my article correctly. What do I do?
  7. What do you mean by a “specific title”?
  8. Can I post articles that have been published elsewhere to Family Matters?
  9. Can I post my Family Matters articles elsewhere?
  10. You published my article and I didn’t receive many reads. Why is that?

How do I become a writer for Family Matters?

Refer to our submission guidelines. Read them carefully and send an unpublished medium draft to the email address provided.

To send an unpublished draft, go into your unpublished article, select the three dots in the top right-hand corner, and then select “share draft link”.



Laura Fox
Family Matters

I write to heal myself and others. Instagram: @laure_e_fox_