Home Sweet Home Writing Prompt November 2020

What are you thankful for?

Laura Fox
Family Matters


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Can you think of a parenting or family experience that made you feel thankful? What did you learn? Was it something you previously took for granted? Was it a painful journey to learn to be thankful for this experience? Maybe it was an unusual situation or one that you can’t help but look back on and laugh. Regardless, we want to hear your story!

There is no right or wrong answer to this prompt. As long as it’s your truth, that’s what matters. Home Sweet Home is always a safe place to share your perspectives on family and parenting.


  • Your piece needs to be a minimum of 800 words.
  • Poetry is not accepted.
  • It must be written for the reader. Pieces that are written in the style of a diary entry generally do not give anything to the reader. Think about what message you want to get across. How do you want the reader to feel after they have finished your piece? Is there anything you want them to learn or look at differently?
  • Tag your work with…



Laura Fox
Family Matters

I write to heal myself and others. Instagram: @laure_e_fox_