My Son Is Teaching Me How To Be A Good Father And A Good Human Being

You’d be surprised just how much adults can learn from children

Benny Lim
Family Matters


A father holds his baby in a pumpkin patch. The child is wearing dungarees and smiling at the camera. The father is smiling.
Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash

When I lost my dad to illness back in 2013, I was roughly 8 months away from getting married. The thought that one of the most important people in my life would not be at my wedding was heart-breaking.

It was also scary when my wife and I found out she was pregnant.

I was going to be a father and the person that I needed the most to guide me on how to be a good father was no longer around.

So, when my son arrived and it was time for me to be a proper father, I did the only thing I could think to do — remember how my own father was to me and do the same for my son.

I felt like the only way I could be a good father to my son was to be like my father, to do the things that he did for me when I was a kid.

But my son had other ideas and over the last 5 and a half years, he’s taught me so much more than I could imagine on how to be a good father but more importantly, on how to be a good human being.

We’re all different and that’s OK

My son looks like me, according to family and friends. However, his behaviour, personality, and…



Benny Lim
Family Matters

Medium writer since 2019, writing my way to a better life, and helping you lead a better life, one article at a time.