The Benefits of Families Owning a Dog During the Pandemic

A dog provides socialization, support, and play for kids AND adults.

Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Family Matters


Photo taken by author

According to the American Humane website, owning a dog improves health, happiness, and safety. And as a mom, social distancing with my family of four, I agree!

Five years ago, my husband and I welcomed our rescue dog, Ebony, to our home. Unbeknownst to us, I was five weeks pregnant with our first child.

But no regrets here, because that furball became my sons’, now ages 2 and 5, best friend.

Today, Ebony is a valued family member, and I can’t imagine going through this pandemic without her.

Here’s why:

1. Dogs love to play (and so do kids)

After two months of quarantine, my boys were sick of coloring, tracing letters, playing in the sand— fill in the blank will a zillion other tasks here. But you know what didn’t get old? Playing “fetch” with Ebony.

I kid you not, my five year old runs around the house with a ball for an hour as Ebony delightfully chases him. My youngest trails behind with glee.

The benefit



Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Family Matters

Amanda is a work at home mama who contributes to various magazines and blogs. Contact her at for interview or blog articles.