The Upending Consequence of Change

Becoming New Parents in 2020

Mindy Morgan Avitia
Family Matters


Photo by Seth Reese on Unsplash

Like much of the world, I didn’t know that March 2020 was going to be the month my life changed forever. I was roughly 12 weeks pregnant and I was convinced that the pivotal moment of my life would be in September when our daughter was due to make her entrance into the world.

Like much of the world. I was wrong.

The beginning of March was normal, like any other March in Austin, Texas. At work, we were preparing for our most successful SXSW to date, we were steadily increasing our revenue from years of negative books, and we were growing and becoming more united as a team. It felt good.

At home, my husband would work long hours at his office as an IT service provider for clients all around Texas. He’d be out to different offices throughout the day, and when he came home we would hurriedly decide what we wanted to do for dinner. More often than not it included getting out of the house for a happy hour somewhere.

Life felt normal, it felt as if it was going as planned. Surely the news was blowing this COVID-19 situation out of proportion. We had a Costco supply of toilet paper, we were fine.

And as it goes, things started to change.

SXSW was canceled?!



Mindy Morgan Avitia
Family Matters

Figuring out how to be a creative, a mom, and a good person at the same time.